Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/cdrtools
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2009-01-08 00:23:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.01.01a55:

pkgsrc: despite changes below, nothing is installed suid for now

NEW features of cdrtools-2.01.01a55


-	Default install user changed from "bin" to "root".

-	The install-sh script now complains if an attept was made to install
	a program suid or sticky and the install user has no root privileges

-	The makefile system has been modified to allow a separate set-up
	for the install path of the configuration files to e.g. /etc/
	via the DEFAULTS variable INS_RBASE


-	the configuration file "rscsi" is now by default installed into


-	Cdrecord is now by default installed suid root in case that the caller
	of make install has root privileges

-       The call to scg_close() introduced with 2.01.01a54 was not
	done in the right order and could cause core dumps.

-	the configuration file "cdrecord" is now by default installed into

-	Some unused variables and functions have been commented out

Cdda2wav (Maintained/enhanced by J

-	Cdda2wav is now by default installed suid root in case that the caller
	of make install has root privileges

-	Some unused variables and functions have been commented out


-	Readcd is now by default installed suid root in case that the caller
	of make install has root privileges

NEW features of cdrtools-2.01.01a54:


-	config.sub and config.guess now support ATARI MiNT

-	All needed definition files for ATARI MiNT are now in RULES/*

-	configure now checks whether shmget() works (needed for ATARI MiNT)

-	The GNU linker on Linux now seems to support -R to set the LD_RUN_PATH
	Added support for -R

-	Added definitions to allow dynamic linking with the Sun Studio compiler
	on Linux

-	Added a new #define (NO_ACL) that alloed to disable ACL support via
	command line when compiling

-	include/schily/libport.h split into include/schily/libport.h and
	include/schily/hostname.h to allow to avoid to include netdb.h for
	applications that do not need gethostname() and getdomainname()

-	include/schily/prototype.h now inlcludes the definitions for const...

-	new autoconf test to check whether the Sun Studio compiler needs
	-xarch=generic64 or -m64 for 64 bit compilation.


-	New functions eaccess() and findinpath()

-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

Libparanoia (Ported/enhanced by J

-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

Libedc (Optimized by J

-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

-	libfind now correctly deals with ARG_MAX in case that
	the bitness of the libfind executable differs from the bitness
	of the executable called by -exec name {} +


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

-	Raise the SCSI bus numer limit to 1024 to allow the new Linux ATA mapping.


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

-	New driver "mmc_bdrom" is used for profile 0x40 and allows to
	retrieve the ADIP data for BD-R media that is reported as BD-ROM
	by some drives.

-	Added a workaround for a firmware bug in the drive
	that reports DVD-R media as media with zero size.

-	Added a workaround for a firmware bug in many 'HL-DT-ST' drives
	(e.g. 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVD-RAM GSA-H55N') that return unreliable data
	with READ BUFFER and makes it impossible to get the drive DMA
	transfer speed.

-       Added a workaround for frequent kernel/driver bugs in
	FreeBSD and Solaris that prevent the DMA residual count to work.

-	Try to call scg_close() before exiting cdrecord.

-	Default Transfer Size reverted from 126 kB to 63 kB.
	Sorry FreeBSD guys - it seems that FreeBSD is the only OS that
	correctly deals with larger DMA sizes.

	FreeBSD people may add a line with CDR_TRANSFERSIZE=126k
	in /etc/default/cdrecord to raise the default.

	The current problems are:

	-	On Solaris 10 Sparc fs=126k causes a kernel panic

	-	On Solaris 11 the drivers partially return incorrect
		max DMA sizes that may cause cdrecord to fail.

	-	On Linux with USB fs=126k may not work at all

	-	On Linux with other interfaces, fs=126k may reduce
		the DMA speed to a value that always causes buffer

	I hope to find a better solution in the next development cycle
	after the current code has been release as stable version.
	Expect the next stable release to appear very soon.

Cdda2wav (Maintained/enhanced by J

-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

-	Suppress some incorrect warnings from GCC by doing a double cast.

-	Allow longer path names for *.inf files.

-	SCSI *scgp is now a clean parameter to all SCSI transport functions.

-	toc.c changed to support the new schily/hostname.h


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added


-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

Mkisofs (Maintained/enhanced by J

-	Workaround for a GCC warning with make DEFAULTSDIR=DEFAULTS_ENG
	warning: 'sccsid' defined but not used added

-	Raising PATH_MAX to be at least 1024 for all platforms as Cygwin
	defines PATH_MAX to 260	which is too small for Cygwin.

-	Implemented a better error message in case that the boot image
	could not be found inside the target tree.

-	A description for the -s/-sector option was added to the man page.
	This option is used to allow to create conforming multi-session
	images for e.g. the Kodak Photo CD or the Kodak Picture CD.

-	A description forr the -XA and -xa option was added to the man page.

-	Mkisofs now writes a better error message in case that it cannot
	sort a directory because more than on directory content was merged
	into the ISO image.

-	isoinfo -d now prints the checksum for the Eltorito validation header
