Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/dovecot
From: Geert Hendrickx
Date: 2010-01-25 13:31:20
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to Dovecot 1.2.10, Sieve 0.1.15 and ManageSieve 0.11.11.

Changelog for Dovecot 1.2.10:

	+ %variables now support %{host}, %{pid} and %{env:ENVIRONMENT_NAME}
	+ LIST-STATUS capability is now advertised
	- maildir: Fixed several assert-crashes.
	- imap: LIST "" inbox shouldn't crash when using namespace with
	  "INBOX." prefix.
	- lazy_expunge now ignores non-private namespaces.

Changelog for Sieve 0.1.15:

  * Enotify extension:
     - Adjusted notify method API for addition of new notification
     - Set default importance level to 'normal' (was 'high').
  * Include extension: updated implementation towards most recent
    specification (all should be backwards compatible):
     - Implemented global variables namespace.
     - Global command may now appear anywhere in a script.
     - Implemented script name checking using the requirements specified
       in the ManageSieve draft.
     - One issue remains: ManageSieve currently requires included scripts
       to be uploaded first, which is not according to specification.
   * Changed envelope path parser to allow to and from envelope addresses
     that have no domain part.
   + Added preliminary support for Sieve plugins and added support for
     installing Sieve development headers.
   + Started work on the implementation of the spamtest, spamtestplus and
     virustest extensions (unfinished).
   + Deprecated notify extension: implemented denotify command.
   + Variables extension: added support for variable namespaces.
   + Added configurable script size limit. Compiler will refuse to
     compile files larger than sieve_max_script_size.
   + Testsuite changes:
      - Added support for changing and testing an extension's
      - Added a command line parameter for copying errors to stderr.
   - Fixed a bug in the i;ascii-numeric comparator. If one of the
     strings started with a non-digit character, the comparator would
     always yield less-than.
   - Imap4flags extension: fixed bug in removeflag: removing a single
     flag failed due to off-by-one error (bug report by Julian Cowley).
   - Improved EACCES error messages for stat() and lstat() syscalls and
     slightly improved error messages that may uccur when saving a
   - Vacation extension: fixed typo in runtime log message (patch by
     Julian Cowley).
   - Fixed use of minus '-' in man pages; it is now properly escaped.
   - Fixed parser recovery. In particular cases it would trigger spurious
     errors after an initial valid error and sometimes additional errors
     were inappropriately ignored.

Changelog for ManageSieve 0.11.11:

   * This release contains adjustments to match changes in the Sieve API.
     This means that this release will only compile against Pigeonhole
     Sieve v0.1.15.
   + Implemented ManageSieve QUOTA enforcement.
   + Added MAXREDIRECTS capability after login.
   + Implemented new script name rules specified in most recent
     ManageSieve draft.
   - Fixed assertion failure occuring with challenge-response SASL
   - Made configure complain about trying to compile against installed
     Dovecot headers alone.
   - Fixed compile warning for compilation against CMUSieve.
