Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-ChangeNotify
From: Jens Rehsack
Date: 2010-02-23 15:12:18
Message id:

Log Message:
Updating devel/p5-File-ChangeNotify from 0.07nb1 to 0.12

pkgsrc changes:
- Adjust dependencies
- Add system dependent optional (but recommended) dependencies

Upstream changes:
0.12   2010-01-28
- Added auto_features to the Build.PL, which will give hints on what modules
  to install for KQueue and Inotify support.
- Require Linux::Inotify 1.2+, since 1.1 apparently doesn't work with this
  module. Reported by Michael Grondin. RT #54069.

0.11   2009-12-07
- A test attempted to use Test::Without::Module but this wasn't in the prereq
  list. I've made the test check for the module and skip its tests if the
  module isn't present. Reported by Leon Brocard. RT #52539.

0.10   2009-12-06
- Attempting to instantiate more than one watcher failed if you were on a
  system where one of the watcher subclasses could not be loaded (which is
  basically every system because no system has both inotify and kqueue). Patch
  by Mark Grimes. RT #52477.

0.09   2009-11-09
- This release fixes the excluded-dirs.t under Windows. There are no other
  changes in this release, so there's no need to upgrade if you have 0.08
  installed. Patch by Taro Nishino. RT #51161.

0.08   2009-11-05
- Added a new exclude feature that allows you to excludes files or directories
  outright. Implemented by Dan Thomas. RT #51062.
- Added a KQueue-based watcher written by Dan Thomas. I have no idea if this
  works, as I don't have BSD, but we'll assume he ran the tests on his system
  ;) RT #51062.
