Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2010-10-06 14:37:59
Message id:

Log Message:
Update mysql51-{client,server} package to 5.1.51, MySQL 5.1.51.

For full changes, please refer:

Here is summary for security fixes:

* Security Fix: During evaluation of arguments to extreme-value
  functions (such as LEAST() and GREATEST()), type errors did not
  propagate properly, causing the server to crash. (Bug#55826)

* Security Fix: The server could crash after materializing a derived
  table that required a temporary table for grouping. (Bug#55568)

* Security Fix: A user-variable assignment expression that is
  evaluated in a logical expression context can be precalculated in a
  temporary table for GROUP BY. However, when the expression value is
  used after creation of the temporary table, it was re-evaluated, not
  read from the table and a server crash resulted. (Bug#55564)

* Security Fix: Pre-evaluation of LIKE predicates during view
  preparation could cause a server crash. (Bug#54568)

* Security Fix: GROUP_CONCAT() and WITH ROLLUP together could cause a
  server crash. (Bug#54476)

* Security Fix: Queries could cause a server crash if the GREATEST()
  or LEAST() function had a mixed list of numeric and LONGBLOB
  arguments, and the result of such a function was processed using an
  intermediate temporary table. (Bug#54461)

* Security Fix: Queries with nested joins could cause an infinite loop
  in the server when used from stored procedures and prepared
  statements. (Bug#53544)

* Security Fix: The PolyFromWKB() function could crash the server when
  improper WKB data was passed to the function. (Bug#51875)
