Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/milter-manager
From: OBATA Akio
Date: 2011-04-08 09:58:16
Message id:

Log Message:
Update milter-manager to 1.6.7.

== [release-1-6-7] 1.6.7: 2011-04-08

A bug fix release of 1.6.6.

=== All

==== Improvements

  * Don't create needless directories on install.
    [Reported by OBATA Akio]

==== Fixes

  * Fixed a bug that Ruby/GLib2 in system can't be found.
    [Reported by OBATA Akio]

=== Package

==== Fixes

  * [RPM] Fixed dependencies.
  * [Debian] Fixed dependencies.
  * [Debian] Don't use deprecated option in init script.
  * [RPM] Don't use deprecated option in init script.

=== milter-manager

==== Fixes

  * [S25R] Fixed a bug that milter is always run.

=== milter-core

==== Improvements

  * Added "+LEVEL1|LEVEL2|..." syntax to add log levels.
  * Added "-LEVEL1|LEVEL2|..." syntax to remove log levels.

=== milter-client

==== Improvements

  * Added --log-level option.
  * Added --quiet option.

=== Thanks

  * OBATA Akio

== [release-1-6-6] 1.6.6: 2011-04-07

This release improves Ruby support and Solaris support.

=== All

==== Improvements

  * Added --with-bundled-ruby-glib2 configure option for
    using bundled Ruby/GLib2 anytime.
  * Supported Solaris.

=== Document

==== Fixes

  * [Debian] add missing GROUP=postfix in configuration.
    [Reported by Jordao]

=== Package

==== Improvements

  * Supported Solaris.
  * Fedora 13 -> 14.

=== milter-core

==== Improvements

  * Set 'warning' log level by default.
  * Set 'statistics' log level by default.
  * Set 'message' log level by default.
  * Changed syslog level for statistics log to LOG_NOTICE
    level from LOG_INFO level .

==== Fixes

  * Fixed a memory leak on read error.

=== milter-manager

==== Improvements

  * Supported database connection.
  * Disabled S25R applicable condition for IPv6 connection
    by default. It's customizable by s25r.check_only_ipv4=.
  * Added --n-workers option.
  * Added --event-loop-backend option.
  * Supported log configuration in configuration file.

==== Fixes

  * Fixed a crash bug on reloading.
    [Reported by Kenji Shiono]

=== libmilter-compatible

==== Improvements

  * Supported event loop backend customize by environment
    * MILTER_EVENT_LOOP_BACKEND=libev -> libev is used
    * MILTER_EVENT_LOOP_BACKEND=glib -> GLib is used (default)

=== milter-test-client

==== Improvements

  * Added --pid-file option.
  * Supported shutdown by SIGTERM.

=== milter-test-server

==== Improvements

  * Added --envelope-from option.
  * Deprecated --from option.
  * Added --envelope-recipient option.
  * Deprecated --recipient option.
  * Added --connect-macro option.
  * Added --helo-macro option.
  * Added --envelope-from-macro option.
  * Added --envelope-recipient-macro option.
  * Added --data-macro option.
  * Added --end-of-header-macro option.
  * Added --end-of-message-macro option.
  * Supported result body output in non-ASCII encoding.

=== milter-report-statistics

==== Improvements

  * Supported Solaris.
  * Added --pid option.
  * Added --pid-directory option.

=== Ruby milter

==== Improvements

  * Added --maintenance-interval option.
  * Added --run-gc-on-maintain option.
  * Added --environment option.
  * Added --max-file-descriptors option.
  * Added --pid-file option.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#delete_header.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#insert_header.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#replace_body.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#change_from.
  * Added. Milter::ClientSession#add_recipient.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#delete_recipient.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#delay_response.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#progress.
  * Added Milter::ClientSession#discard.
  * Added Milter::EventLoop.
  * Supported configuration file.
  * Added Milter::SocketAddress#ipv4?.
  * Added Milter::SocketAddress#ipv6?.
  * Added Milter::SocketAddress#unix?.

==== Fixes

  * Fixed a crash bug.

=== Thanks

  * Jordao
  * Kenji Shiono
