Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/emulators/openmsx
From: John Marino
Date: 2012-08-27 15:27:33
Message id:

Log Message:
emulators/openmsx: Fix build for NetBSD

There were two problems building openMSX on NetBSD:
1) The was a name conflict with the funcion bswap16.  This only appeared
   on one file, so the function was prefixed with msx_ to solve it.
2) freetype-config is not located on $PREFIX on NetBSD with native X11.
   Normally the wrappers abstract this but openmsx was making assumptions
   and using absolute paths.  The solution was to set the distroRoot
   value to "None" which tells the configure process to not use a path
   and those finds freetype-configure through the search path.

I compiled it, installed it, and executed openMSX with these patches.
