Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/time/p5-DateTime-TimeZone
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2012-11-04 14:26:49
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.53

Upstream changes:
1.53    2012-11-03

- This release is based on version 2012i of the Olson database. This release
  includes contemporary changes for Cuba.

1.52    2012-10-31

- This release is based on version 2012h of the Olson database. This release
  includes contemporary changes for Brazil, Israel, and Jordan.

1.51    2012-10-18

- This release is based on version 2012g of the Olson database. This release
  includes contemporary changes for Palestine and Samoa.

1.50    2012-09-16

- In scalar context, DateTime::TimeZone->names_in_category returned an
  arrayref containing an arrayref (rather than _just_ an arrayref). Reported
  by Ed Shrock. RT #76791.

- The DateTime::TimeZone->names_in_category claimed that it returned names
  based on the population of the zone. I don't think this was ever true, but
  this data is definitely not part of the current Olson database. Reported by
  Ed Shrock. RT #76792.

  However, the DateTime::TimeZone->names_in_country method does preserve the
  order specified in the Olson database, which is sort of based on population
  and geography. This method is probably the best choice for presenting a list
  of names to end user.

1.49    2012-09-13

- This release is based on version 2012f of the Olson database. This release
  includes contemporary changes for Fiji.

1.48    2012-08-03

- This release is based on version 2012e of the Olson database. This release
  includes contemporary changes for Fakaofo.

1.47    2012-07-19

- This release is based on version 2012d of the Olson database. This release
  includes contemporary changes for Morocco.
