Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2013-08-25 09:44:45
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.132140

Upstream changes:
2.132140  2013-08-02 11:54:17 America/New_York


  - Fixed some typos in CPAN::Meta::Spec


  - migrated repository to Perl-Toolchain-Gang organization on Github and
    updated metadata accordingly

2.131560  2013-06-05 15:26:36 America/New_York


  - Replaced CPAN::Meta SYNOPSIS with code that actually works

2.131490  2013-05-29 14:15:16 America/New_York


  - Downconversion of custom resources was not dropping the leading "x_".
    Now "x_MailingList" will downconvert correctly to \ 


  - Per the Lancaster Consensus, the 'file' subkey of a package listed in
    'provides' must refer to an actual file in the distribution, either the
    .pm file that provides the package or another file (*.PL) that
    generates it
