Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/py-kombu
From: Blue Rats
Date: 2014-04-07 05:46:37
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated to latest release, 3.0.14. From ChangeLog:

- **MongoDB**: Now endures a connection failover (Issue #123).
- **MongoDB**: Fixed ``KeyError`` when a replica set member is removed.
    Also fixes celery#971 and celery/#898.
- **MongoDB**: Fixed MongoDB broadcast cursor re-initialization bug.
- **Async**: Fixed bug in lax semaphore implementation where in
  some usage patterns the limit was not honored correctly.
- **Redis**: Fixed problem with fanout when using Python 3 (Issue #324).
- **Redis**: Fixed ``AttributeError`` from attempting to close a non-existing
  connection (Issue #320).
- Redis: Fixed serious race condition that could lead to data loss.

    The delivery tags were accidentally set to be an incremental number
    local to the channel, but the delivery tags need to be globally
    unique so that a message can not overwrite an older message
    in the backup store.

    This change is not backwards incompatible and you are encouraged
    to update all your system using a previous version as soon as possible.

- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.4.
- Pidbox: Now makes sure message encoding errors are handled by default,
  so that a custom error handler does not need to be specified.
- Redis: The fanout exchange can now use AMQP patterns to route and filter
    This change is backwards incompatible and must be enabled with
    the ``fanout_patterns`` transport option::

        >>> conn = kombu.Connection('redis://', transport_options={
        ...     'fanout_patterns': True,
        ... })

    When enabled the exchange will work like an amqp topic exchange
    if the binding key is a pattern.

    This is planned to be default behavior in the future.

- Redis: Fixed ``cycle`` no such attribute error.
