Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-knitr
From: Brook Milligan
Date: 2014-09-03 23:33:48
Message id:

Log Message:
Initial revision of R-knitr v1.6.

This package provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report
generation in R, which can be used to deal with any type of (plain
text) files, including Sweave, HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText,
AsciiDoc, and Textile. R code is evaluated as if it were copied and
pasted in an R terminal thanks to the evaluate package (e.g., we do
not need to explicitly print() plots from ggplot2 or lattice). The
language in code chunks is not restricted to R (there is simple
support to Python and shell scripts, etc). Many features are borrowed
from or inspired by Sweave, cacheSweave, pgfSweave, brew and decumar.
