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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/py-kombu
From: Blue Rats
Date: 2014-02-16 22:44:22
Message id:
Log Message:
Updated to latest release, 3.0.12. From Changelog:
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.3.
- Fixes Python 3.4 logging incompatibility (Issue #311).
- Redis: Now properly handles unknown pub/sub messages.
- amqplib: Fixed bug where more bytes were requested from the socket
than necessary.
- Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.2.
- Now always trusts messages of type `application/data` and `application/text`
or which have an unspecified content type (Issue #306).
- Compression errors are now handled as decode errors and will trigger
the ``Consumer.on_decode_error`` callback if specified.
- New ``kombu.Connection.get_heartbeat_interval()`` method that can be
used to access the negotiated heartbeat value.
- `kombu.common.oid_for` no longer uses the MAC address of the host, but
instead uses a process-wide UUID4 as a node id.
This avoids a call to `uuid.getnode()` at module scope.
- Hub.add: Now normalizes registered fileno.
- SQS: Fixed bug where the prefetch count limit was not respected.