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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/lua-penlight
From: Alexander Nasonov
Date: 2015-06-13 19:22:53
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Log Message:
Update devel/lua-penlight to 1.3.2.
## 1.3.2
### Changes
- now works and passes tests with Lua 5.3
- utils.import will NOT override global symbols (import 'math' caused global \
type() to be clobbered)
- Updated pl.dir.file_op to return true on success and false on failure...
- workaround for issues with pl.lapp with amalg.lua - will look at global \
LAPP_SCRIPT if arg[0] is nil
### Fixes
- func was broken: do NOT use ipairs to iterate if __index is overriden!
- issue #133 (naively) confused by unbalanced brackets
- xml attribute underscore fix for simple parser
- Fix path.normpath
- lexer: fix parsing block comments/string. fix hang on empty string.
- Fixed utils.execute returning different values for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2
- Issue #97; fixed attempt to put a month into a day
- problem with tablex.count_map with custom comparison
### Features
- Add Python style url module for quote and unquote.
- stringx.quote_string, which scans for embedded long-string quote matches \
and escapes them by creating a long-string quote.
- issue #117: tablex.range now works with decreasing numbers, consistent with \
numerical for loop
- utils.import will NOT override global symbols (import 'math' caused global \
type() to be clobbered)
- issue #125: DOCTYPE ignored in xml documents as well
- Allow XML tostring() function to customize the default prefacing with \
- More Robust Quoted Strings
- lapp: improved detection of unsupported short flags
## 1.3.0
### Changes
- class: RIP base method - not possible to implement correctly
- lapp: short flags can now always be followed directly by their value, for \
- Date: new explicit `Date.Interval` class; `toUTC/toLocal` return new object; \
always returns ISO 8601 times for exact serialization. `+/-` explicit \
operators. Date objects
are explicitly flagged as being UTC or not.
### Fixes
- class: super method fixed.
- Date: DST is now accounted for properly.
- Date: weekday calculation borked.
### Features
- All tests pass with no-5.1-compatible Lua 5.2; now always uses `utils.load` and
`utils.unpack` is always available.
- types: new module containing `utils.is_xxx` methods plus new `to_bool`.
- class: can be passed methods in a table (see `test=klass.lua`). This is
particularly convenient for using from Moonscript.
- general documentation improvements, e.g `class`
## 1.2.1
### Changes
- utils.set(get)fenv always defined (_not_ set as globals for 5.2 anymore!).
These are defined in new module pl.compat, but still available through utils.
- class.Frodo now puts 'Frodo' in _current environment_
### Fixes
- lapp.add_type was broken (Pete Kazmier)
- class broke with classes that redefined __newindex
- Set.isdisjoint was broken because of misspelling; default ctor Set() now \
works as expected
- tablex.transform was broken; result now has same keys as original \
- xml match not handling empty matches (royalbee)
- pl.strict: assigning nil to global declares it, as God intended. (Pierre Chapuis)
- tests all work with pl.strict
- 5.2 compatible load now respects mode
- tablex.difference thought that a value of `false` meant 'not present' \
(Andrew Starke)
### Features
- tablex.sort(t) iterates over sorted keys, tablex.sortv(t) iterates over \
sorted values (Pete Kazmier)
- tablex.readonly(t) creates a read-only proxy for a table (John Schember)
- utils.is_empty(o) true if o==nil, o is an empty table, or o is an empty \
string (John Schember)
- utils.executeex(cmd,bin) returns true if successful, return code, plus \
stdout and stderr output as strings. (tieske)
- class method base for calling inherited methods (theypsilon)
- class supports pre-constructor _create for making a custom self (used in pl.List)
- xml HTML mode improvements - can parse non-trivial well-formed HTML documents.
xml.parsehtml is a parse function, no longer a flag
- if a LOM document has ordered attributes, use these when stringifying
- xml.tostring has yet another extra parm to force prefacing with <?xml...>
- lapp boolean flags may have `true` default
- lapp slack mode where 'short' flags can be multi-char
- test.asserteq etc take extra arg, which is extra level where error must be \
reported at
- path.currentdir,chdir,rmdir,mkdir and dir as alias to lfs are exported; no \
dependencies on luafilesystem outside pl.path, making it easier to plug in \
different implementations.