Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/p5-Dancer2
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2015-08-06 04:24:09
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.161000

Upstream changes:
0.161000  2015-07-08 14:57:16+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam

    [ BUG FIXES ]
    * GH #915, #930: Check existence of optional extension headers when
      behind proxy. (Andy Beverley, Pedro Melo, Russell Jenkins)
    * GH #926, #940: Set session directory default to $apprdir/session.
      (Russell Jenkins)
    * GH #936, #939: Use the error_template configuration on a 404.
      (Russell Jenkins)
    * GH #844, #937: Non-hash serialized params do not cause a crash. (Sawyer X)
    * GH #943: Pass @_ to UNIVERSAL's VERSION so it validates version number.
      (Sawyer X)
    * GH #934: Cleanup internals in the old Dispatcher. (Russell Jenkins)

    * Sanitize Changes
    * GH #938: Fix POD link to params keyword. (Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver)
    * GH #935: Provide more details and considerations when using
      behind_proxy. (Andy Beverley)

    * GH #933: use note in tests to produce cleaner non-verbose output (Vernon)
    * Remove unnecessary dependencies: build chain should be smaller. (Sawyer X)
    * No need for Module::Build. (Sawyer X)
    * GH #911: Dancer2 request object is now a subclass of Plack::Request.
      It's also much faster now. (Sawyer X)
