Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/gnuplot
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2015-03-03 16:22:20
Message id:

Log Message:
  - Two targets added, post-build: and post-install:,
    to build gnuplot.pdf (which was in 4.6.6 PLIST),
    and two dependency for above process. Thanks gdt@ for comment.

  - Update 4.6.6 to 5.0.0
		GNUPLOT Version 5.0 Release Notes

Gnuplot version 5 contains significant new capabilities and enhancements.
The most recent previous release was 4.6 patchlevel 6 (4.6.6).
Please see the NEWS file for bugfixes and minor changes to version 5.0
applied after feedback on release candidates -rc1, -rc2, and -rc3.

Release Notes date: 31 December 2014


* New plot styles "with parallelaxes" and labeled contours.

* New coordinate system (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) "set xdata geographic".

* The "fit" command can now handle functions with up to 12 variables, and
  can take into account errors on x as well as errors on dependent variables.
  Final covariance terms are stored in user-accessible variables.
  Fitting options are now controlled by the command "set fit ..." \ 
rather than
  by environmental variables.

* The interpretation of columns in a "fit" command depends on new keywords
  "error", "xyerror", "zerror".  In most cases the \ 
program can also recognize
  version 4 syntax (no error keyword but last column contains zerror).

* The dot/dash pattern of a line can now be controlled independently
  from other line properties using the keyword "dashtype".

* The default color of individual line types can be changed using
  "set linetype" (introduced in 4.6). In version 5 a default overall color
  sequence can be selected using "set colors {default|classic|podo}".
  The "classic" sequence is red/green/blue/magenta/cyan/yellow as used by
  older gnuplot versions.  The default and podo colors are chosen to be
  more easily distinguished in print and in particular by people with color
  vision problems.

* Text markup now supports bold and italic font settings in addition to
  the subscript, superscript, font size and other options previously
  provided by the "enhanced text" mode.  This mode is now the default.

* Command scripts may place in-line data in a named data block for
  repeated plotting.

* Bit shift operators << and >>

* RGB colors can include an alpha-channel for transparency.
       # ARGBcolor = (Alpha << 24) + (Red << 16) + (Green << \ 
8) + Blue

* Secondary axes (x2, y2) can be locked to the primary axis via a mapping
  function.  In the simplest case this guarantees that the primary and
  secondary axis ranges are identical.  In the general case it allows you
  to define a non-linear axis, something that previously was only possible
  for the special case of log scaling.

* The "import" command attaches a user-defined function name to a
  function provided by an extenal shared object (i.e. a plugin library).

* Previous commands in the history list of an interactive session can be
  reexecuted by number.  For example "history !5" will reexecute the
  command numbered 5 in the list reported by "history".

* Hypertext labels in the interactive terminals including web display
  using the HTML canvas or svg terminals.

Many other additions are described in the "New Features" section of the


Gnuplot development assigns very high priority to backward compatibility
with earlier versions.  For example any command script that worked in
version 4.0 is expected to continue to work for all version 4 releases
including the most recent one (4.6.6).  However changes introduced in
version 5 can affect the operation of some version 4 scripts.

A brief summary of potentially incompatible changes is given here.

* Earlier versions of gnuplot used the keyword "linetype" to mean both
  the color and the solid/dot/dash pattern of a line.  Version 5 has
  separate keywords "linecolor" and "dashtype".  You can use \ 
these keywords
  directly in a plot command or assign any desired color and a dash pattern
  to a linetype.  The program now provides a default set of 8 linetypes, all solid.
  You can change these or add new linetypes as you please. You do not need
  to change the current terminal or terminal mode in order to use dashed lines.

* The handling of input data containing NaN, Inf, an inconsistent number of
  data columns, or other unexpected content has changed. See documentation
  under "missing" for examples and figures.

* Time coordinates are stored internally as the number of seconds relative
  to the standard unix epoch 1-Jan-1970.  Earlier versions of gnuplot used
  a different epoch internally (1-Jan-2000). This change resolves
  inconsistencies introduced when time in seconds was generated externally.
  The epoch convention used by a particular gnuplot installation can be
  determined using the command `print strftime("%F",0)`.
  Time is now stored to at least millisecond precision.

* The function `timecolumn(N,"timeformat")` now has 2 parameters.
  Because the second parameter is not associated with any particular data axis,
  this allows using the `timecolumn` function to read time data for reasons
  other than specifying the x or y coordinate.  Use of time formats
  to generate axis tick labels is now controlled by "set {xy}tics \ 
time" rather
  than by "set {xy}data time".  Thus prior calls to `set xdata time` or
  `set timefmt x` are unnecessary for either input or output.
  These older commands still work, but are deprecated.

* The "reverse" keyword (e.g. "set xrange [*:*] reverse") \ 
now affects only
  autoscaling.  It has no effect on explicit ranges.
  "set xrange [0:1] reverse" is _not_ the same as "set xrange \ 

* Options to the "fit" command are now given by "set fit \ 
..." rather than
  by setting environmental variables.  Fit can handle up to MAX_NUM_VAR
  independent variables (currently 12).  Variables other than the first
  two (x, y) have been dissociated from axis names.  This means, for example,
  "set urange [U1:U2]" has no effect on fitting because "u" \ 
is not a fit
  variable.  Use the command "set dummy ..." to assign names to fit \ 
  3 ... 12.

* The `call` command is implemented by providing a set of variables ARGC,
  ARG0, ..., ARG9. ARG0 holds the name of the script file being executed.
  ARG1 to ARG9 are string variables and thus may either be referenced directly
  or expanded as macros, e.g. @ARG1.  The older convention for referencing
  call parameters as tokens $0 ... $9 is deprecated.

* "unset xrange" (and other axis ranges) restores the default range.

* "unset terminal" restores the original terminal of the current session.
