Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/khard
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2016-06-06 14:28:37
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated khard to 0.9.0.

v0.5.0: 2015.09.05
- New option to merge two contacts
- Support for XDG_CONFIG_HOME parameter
- Post address: Added support for street and house number field with multiple lines

v0.6.0: 2015.09.20
- New options copy contact and move contact
- Changed behavior of merge command (have a look into the readme file for details)
- Get path to editor and merge editor from the $PATH variable
- Code cleanup: new object class AddressBook

v0.6.1: 2015.10.06
- Added title and role attribute
- Removed input restrictions of name and post address fields
- Parameter default_country in config file is not longer in use

v0.6.2: 2015.10.10
- Added completion function for zsh

v0.6.3: 2015.10.24
- Added note attribute

v0.7.0: 2015.12.18
- Support for vobject library version >= 0.8.2 from \
- Contact template syntax switched to yaml
- alot and mutt actions summarized to new email action (please have a look into \ 
the readme file for configuration changes)
- Support for extended name attributes
- Create and modify contact from stdin or from template file
- New action "export" to export data of existing contact in yaml format
- New argument --open-editor to open the preferred text editor after successful \ 
creation of new
  contact from stdin or template file
- New argument {-u, --uid} to select contact by uid
- Added write support for categories attribute
- Added wrapper script for sdiff
- Fixed a bug, which prevented the creation of new contacts with the add-email action

v0.7.1: 2016.01.01
- Added support for multiple instances of one vcard attribute

v0.7.2: 2016.01.03
- Use of module atomicwrites to securely write vcards to disk

v0.7.3: 2016.01.08
- Cancel without further actions if the opened contacts editor is closed without \ 
saving (determined
  by modification date of template file)

v0.7.4: 2016.01.11
- Fixed uid dictionary creation

v0.8.0: 2016.01.15
- Sort contact table by first or last name (take note of changed behaviour of \ 
"sort" option)
- New option -g, --group-by-addressbook to group contact table by address book
- Changes in config file:
    - New group: contact table
        - new option: sort to sort contact table by first or last name
        - New option: group_by_addressbook to group contact table by address book
    - Moved show_nicknames option from group "general" to group \ 
"contact table"

v0.8.1: 2016.01.16
- New option "show_uids" in config file to disable uid column in \ 
contact table

v0.9.0: 2016.03.17
- Fully restructured command line interface for better usability:
    - general help with: khard -h
    - help for a specific action: khard action -h
- Updated zsh completion function
- New Action addressbooks
- New option -p|--pretty for email and phone actions to get pretty formatted output
- Fix: Only delete contact after modify, copy or move action was completed \ 
