Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/nginx
From: Filip Hajny
Date: 2017-05-02 14:28:31
Message id:

Log Message:
* Update www/nginx to 1.12.0.
* Update naxsi to 0.55.3.

Approximate changelog since nginx 1.10.3 follows.

Changes with nginx 1.12.0                                        12 Apr 2017
- 1.12.x stable branch.

Changes with nginx 1.11.13                                       04 Apr 2017
- Feature: the "http_429" parameter of the "proxy_next_upstream",
  "fastcgi_next_upstream", "scgi_next_upstream", and
  "uwsgi_next_upstream" directives.
  Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
- Bugfix: in memory allocation error handling.
- Bugfix: requests might hang when using the "sendfile" and
  "timer_resolution" directives on Linux.
- Bugfix: requests might hang when using the "sendfile" and \ 
  directives with subrequests.
- Bugfix: in the ngx_http_v2_module.
  Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process when
  using HTTP/2.
- Bugfix: requests might hang when using the "limit_rate",
  "sendfile_max_chunk", "limit_req" directives, or the \ 
  embedded perl method with subrequests.
- Bugfix: in the ngx_http_slice_module.

Changes with nginx 1.11.12                                       24 Mar 2017
- Bugfix: nginx might hog CPU; the bug had appeared in 1.11.11.

Changes with nginx 1.11.11                                       21 Mar 2017
- Feature: the "worker_shutdown_timeout" directive.
- Feature: vim syntax highlighting scripts improvements.
  Thanks to Wei-Ko Kao.
- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if the
  $limit_rate variable was set to an empty string.
- Bugfix: the "proxy_cache_background_update",
  "fastcgi_cache_background_update", \ 
  and "uwsgi_cache_background_update" directives might work incorrectly
  if the "if" directive was used.
- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if
  number of large_client_header_buffers in a virtual server was
  different from the one in the default server.
- Bugfix: in the mail proxy server.

Changes with nginx 1.11.10                                       14 Feb 2017
- Change: cache header format has been changed, previously cached
  responses will be invalidated.
- Feature: support of "stale-while-revalidate" and \ 
  extensions in the "Cache-Control" backend response header line.
- Feature: the "proxy_cache_background_update",
  "fastcgi_cache_background_update", \ 
  and "uwsgi_cache_background_update" directives.
- Feature: nginx is now able to cache responses with the "Vary" header
  line up to 128 characters long (instead of 42 characters in previous
- Feature: the "build" parameter of the "server_tokens" \ 
  Thanks to Tom Thorogood.
- Bugfix: "[crit] SSL_write() failed" messages might appear in logs
  when handling requests with the "Expect: 100-continue" request header
- Bugfix: the ngx_http_slice_module did not work in named locations.
- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process when
  using AIO after an "X-Accel-Redirect" redirection.
- Bugfix: reduced memory consumption for long-lived requests using

Changes with nginx 1.11.9                                        24 Jan 2017
- Bugfix: nginx might hog CPU when using the stream module; the bug had
  appeared in 1.11.5.
- Bugfix: EXTERNAL authentication mechanism in mail proxy was accepted
  even if it was not enabled in the configuration.
- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if the
  "ssl_verify_client" directive of the stream module was used.
- Bugfix: the "ssl_verify_client" directive of the stream module might
  not work.
- Bugfix: closing keepalive connections due to no free worker
  connections might be too aggressive.
  Thanks to Joel Cunningham.
- Bugfix: an incorrect response might be returned when using the
  "sendfile" directive on FreeBSD and macOS; the bug had appeared in
- Bugfix: a truncated response might be stored in cache when using the
  "aio_write" directive.
- Bugfix: a socket leak might occur when using the "aio_write"

Changes with nginx 1.11.8                                        27 Dec 2016
- Feature: the "absolute_redirect" directive.
- Feature: the "escape" parameter of the "log_format" directive.
- Feature: client SSL certificates verification in the stream module.
- Feature: the "ssl_session_ticket_key" directive supports AES256
  encryption of TLS session tickets when used with 80-byte keys.
- Feature: vim-commentary support in vim scripts.
  Thanks to Armin Grodon.
- Bugfix: recursion when evaluating variables was not limited.
- Bugfix: in the ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module.
- Bugfix: if a server in an upstream in the stream module failed, it
  was considered alive only when a test connection sent to it after
  fail_timeout was closed; now a successfully established connection is
- Bugfix: nginx/Windows could not be built with 64-bit Visual Studio.
- Bugfix: nginx/Windows could not be built with OpenSSL 1.1.0.

Changes with nginx 1.11.7                                        13 Dec 2016

- Change: now in case of a client certificate verification error the
  $ssl_client_verify variable contains a string with the failure
  reason, for example, "FAILED:certificate has expired".
- Feature: the $ssl_ciphers, $ssl_curves, $ssl_client_v_start,
  $ssl_client_v_end, and $ssl_client_v_remain variables.
- Feature: the "volatile" parameter of the "map" directive.
- Bugfix: dependencies specified for a module were ignored while
  building dynamic modules.
- Bugfix: when using HTTP/2 and the "limit_req" or "auth_request"
  directives client request body might be corrupted; the bug had
  appeared in 1.11.0.
- Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process when
  using HTTP/2; the bug had appeared in 1.11.3.
- Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module.
  Thanks to Congcong Hu.
- Bugfix: in the ngx_http_perl_module.
