Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/fasttracker2
From: Santhosh Raju
Date: 2019-08-05 18:57:36
Message id:

Log Message:
fasttracker2: Update to b164

Local changes merged upstream.

Changes since b163

Beta #164 - 05.08.2019
- Applied some NetBSD/illumos/SmartOS code patches that got sent in (untested)
- Removed SSE macros to let the compiler optimize instead, and to make cross
  compiling even simpler. We don't really need them anymore since most of the
  speed-critical math in the clone is fixed-point these days.
- macOS: Fixed intensive CPU usage if another window is completely covering the
  FT2 clone window.
- macOS: The SDL2.framework file in the FT2 clone app was larger than it needed
  to be, which was fixed by the SDL team not long ago. It has been replaced.
- Small code cleanup
