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Subject: CVS commit: [pkgsrc-2018Q4] pkgsrc/www/drupal8
From: Benny Siegert
Date: 2019-01-29 13:50:28
Message id:
Log Message:
Pullup ticket #5895 - requested by taca
www/drupal8: security fix
Revisions pulled up:
- www/drupal8/Makefile 1.14-1.16
- www/drupal8/PLIST 1.12-1.13
- www/drupal8/distinfo 1.13-1.15
- www/drupal8/patches/patch-core_lib_Drupal_Core_Extension_ModulesHandler.php 1.1
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: wen
Date: Fri Jan 4 08:17:37 UTC 2019
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/drupal8: Makefile PLIST distinfo
Log Message:
Update to 8.6.5
Upstream changes:
Changes since 8.6.4
#3023402 by alexpott: \Drupal\Tests\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlusTest \
fails on latest PHP7.3 build
#3001997 by Krzysztof Domańskii, scott_euser, alexpott: Transliteration \
a string containing an unknown character (e.g. 0x80) is not valid
#3018942 by welly, alexpott, jibran, Krzysztof Domańskii, floydm: Domain \
URL language detection - InvalidArgumentException: The user-entered string must \
begin with a '/', '?', or '#'
#3020902 by Berdir, alexpott: PostgresqlDateSql fails to serialize
Revert "Issue #2986725 by Mile23, devitate, alexpott: doctrine \
common 2.9 has moved reflection"
#3022183 by wengerk, benjifisher: Fix \
BlockContentAccessHandlerTest::providerTestAccess wrong coverage by early return
#2984072 by vijaycs85, Lendude, ApacheEx, dawehner: System: Convert \
ErrorHandlerTest to phpunit
#3019706 by hchonov, alexpott, sheanhoxie, jibran, dawehner: Functional \
JS Tests are broken if XDEBUG_CONFIG is set as an env variable
Revert "Issue #3019706 by hchonov, jibran: Functional JS Tests are \
broken if XDEBUG_CONFIG is set as an env variable"
#3021204 by maxocub: Remove maxocub from Migrate maintainers
#3019706 by hchonov, jibran: Functional JS Tests are broken if \
XDEBUG_CONFIG is set as an env variable
#2986725 by Mile23, devitate, alexpott: doctrine common 2.9 has moved \
#2939908 by kjay, steveparks, spitzialist, cferthorney, danharper, Eli-T: \
Add an article to Umami - Dairy-free chocolate
#3007439 by tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, xopoc: Layout builder renders Book \
navigation block on non-book pages
#2927768 by justinlevi, Lendude, pritish.kumar, Wim Leers, dawehner: \
Update RestRegisterUserTest to use the ResourceTestBase base class instead of \
the deprecated RESTTestBase
#3020550 by catch: Passing commands as a string to Process is deprecated \
in Symfony 4
#3020579 by catch: TypeError: Argument 3 passed to \
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterResponseEvent::__construct() must be of \
the type integer, string given [Symfony 4]
#2618606 by dawehner, rbayliss: Update.php - Reverse proxy settings not used
#2865344 by mpdonadio, Lendude, mbovan, organicwire, alexpott, jibran, \
jhedstrom, bobemoe, Berdir, larowlan: Exposed date filters 'empty' and 'not \
empty' are broken
#2974274 by mitrpaka, RumyanaRuseva, joachim: exception message for \
unrecognized source IDs in lookupDestinationIds() should have more detail
#2809305 by Upchuk, Pavan B S, Jo Fitzgerald, tim.plunkett, Berdir: Block \
Context assignment form element shows even if no options are available
#3018774 by xjm: hook_post_update_NAME() docs do not explain batching/ \
#3018539 by phenaproxima, rodrigoaguilera, alexpott: Media types cannot \
be created in the UI without JavaScript
#3018764 by Wim Leers: One test case in MediaUiFunctionalTest is not \
actually tested due to a duplicate key
#2998462 by AndyF, Baysaa, Siavash, tim.plunkett, millionleaves, \
fatmarker: Error adding Content Type Selection criteria or Context
#3016501 by govind.maloo, andrewmacpherson, markconroy: Writing style - \
Umami should be capitalised when it is used as a proper noun in English
#2916595 by phenaproxima, AdamPS, Wim Leers: File element discards \
attributes if #multiple
#2883260 by kiamlaluno, yogeshmpawar, msankhala, benjifisher, alexpott, \
bdlangton: Replace the schema example with one actually used from a module
#2883553 by govind.maloo, msankhala, seanB, Berdir, xjm, alexpott: \
Obsolete argument for hasPermission in node_node_access()
#3016011 by mikelutz, quietone, alexpott: Reroll all migrate dump files
#3017753 by mxr576, alexpott: MemoryBackend should validate the passed cids
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: prlw1
Date: Wed Jan 9 11:56:17 UTC 2019
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/drupal8: Makefile distinfo
Added Files:
Log Message:
drupal8 fix for:
Drupal\Core\Extension\Exception\UnknownExtensionException: The module \
standard does not exist. in Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionList->get() (line \
257 of /usr/pkg/share/drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ExtensionList.php)
e.g. when trying to put the site in maintenance mode.
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Sat Jan 19 07:33:55 UTC 2019
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/drupal8: Makefile PLIST distinfo
Log Message:
www/drupal8: update to 8.6.6
This is a hotfix release for a regression affecting some Drush installations
that was introduced by the fix for SA-CORE-2019-002. No other fixes are