Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/fonts/ruby-ttfunk
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2020-01-16 17:07:19
Message id:

Log Message:
fonts/ruby-ttfunk: update to 1.6.1

Update ruby-ttfunk to 1.6.1.

pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGUAGES= # none".

## [1.6.1]

### Fixed

* Fixed maxp table encoding

  Cameron Dutro

## [1.6.0]

### Added

* OpenType fonts support

  * Added support for CFF-flavored fonts (also known as CID-keyed or OpenType fonts)
  * Added support for the VORG and DSIG tables
  * Improved charset encoding support
  * Improved font metrics calculations in the head, maxp, hhea, hmtx, and os/2 tables
  * Subsetted fonts verified with Font-Validator, fontlint, and Mac OS's Font Book

  Cameron Dutro

* Ruby 2.6 support

  Alexander Mankuta

* JRuby 9.2 support

  Alexander Mankuta

### Removed

* Dropped Ruby 2.1 & 2.2 support

  Alexander Mankuta

* Removed JRuby 9.1 support

  Alexander Mankuta

### Fixed

* Sort name table entries when generating subset font

  Matjaz Gregoric

* Map the 0xFFFF char code to glyph 0 in cmap format 4

  Matjaz Gregoric

* Order tables by tag when generating font subset

  Matjaz Gregoric

* Fix typo in TTFunk::Subset::Unicode#includes?

  Matjaz Gregoric

* Fixe calculation of search_range for font subsets

  Matjaz Gregoric

* Fixed instance variable @offset and @length not initialized

  Katsuya HIDAKA

* Code style fixes

  Katsuya HIDAKA, Matjaz Gregoric, Alexander Mankuta
