Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/py-numpy
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-05-03 19:15:23
Message id:

Log Message:
py-numpy: updated to 1.20.2

* Update f2py from master.
* ``diagflat`` could overflow on windows or 32-bit platforms
* Fix refcount leak in f2py ``complex_double_from_pyobj``.
* Fix tiny memory leaks when ``like=`` overrides are used
* Remove temporary change of descr/flags in VOID functions
* Segfault in nditer buffer dealloc for Object arrays
* Remove suspicious type casting
* remove nonsensical comparison of pointer < 0
* verify pointer against NULL before using it
* check if PyArray_malloc succeeded
* incorrect error fallthrough in nditer
* Backport CI fixes from main.
* Add annotations for ``dtype.__getitem__``, ``__mul__`` and...
* NameError in numpy.distutils.fcompiler.compaq
* Fixed ``where`` keyword for ``np.mean`` & ``np.var`` methods
* Update apt package list before Python install
* Ensure that re-exported sub-modules are properly annotated
* Fix ma coercion list-of-ma-arrays if they do not cast to...
* Fix small valgrind-found issues
* Fix small issues found with pytest-leaks

* Add missing placeholder annotations
* Fix typo in ````
* don't mutate list of fake libraries while iterating over...
* gracefully shuffle memoryviews
* Use C linkage for random distributions
* fix when GitHub Actions builds trigger, and allow ci skips
* Allow unmodified use of isclose, allclose, etc. with timedelta
* Allow pickling all relevant DType types/classes
* Fix missing signed_char dependency.
* Change license date 2020 -> 2021
* CircleCI seems to occasionally time out, increase the limit
* Fix f2py bugs when wrapping F90 subroutines.
* crackfortran regex simplify
* threads.h existence test requires GLIBC > 2.12.
* Prepare for the NumPy 1.20.1 release.

* enable multi-platform SIMD compiler optimizations
* NEP 36 (fair play)
* Deprecate aliases of builtin types in python 3.7+
* `np.resize` negative shape and subclasses edge case fixes
* Add the method `permuted` to Generator.
* Fix issues with non-reduce broadcasting axes
* Ensure PyArray_FromScalar always returns the requested dtype
* Technical decisions for new DTypes
* Create Preliminary DTypeMeta class and np.dtype subclasses
* Avoid exception in NpzFile destructor if constructor raises...
* Improved `__str__` for polynomials
* Remove Accelerate support
* [DOC] Added tutorial about the module.
* Add where argument to np.mean
* Deprecate passing shape=None to mean shape=()
* Ensure indexing errors will be raised even on empty results
* improve printing of arrays with multi-line reprs
* Correct documentation of ``__array__`` when used as output...
* Implement concatenate dtype and casting keyword arguments
* Deprecate `numpy.dual`.
* Potential fix for divmod(1.0, 0.0) to raise divbyzero and...
* Increase guidance and detail of np.polynomial docstring
* Add transition note to all lib/poly functions
* Rewrite of array-coercion to support new dtypes
* Add ``full_output`` argument to ``f2py.compile``.
* Deprecate ufunc.outer with matrix inputs
* Unify cached (C-level static) imports
* Allow attach docs twice but error if wrong
* Fix default fallback in genfromtxt
* ENH:Umath Replace raw SIMD of unary float point(32-64) with NPYV...
* added edge keyword argument to digitize
* Update the f2py section of the "Using Python as Glue" page.
* Improve `rec.array` function documentation
* include dt64/td64 isinstance checks in ``__init__.pxd``
* Clarifications for np.std
* Order percentile monotonically
* cleanups to quantile
* Update master after 1.19.x branch.
* Ensure out argument is returned by identity for 0d arrays
* Clarifications for ``np.var``.
* Add a note about performance of isclose compared to math.isclose
* Clean up the implementation of quantile
* Bump hypothesis from 5.12.0 to 5.14.0
* Improve "tobytes" docstring.
* Fix tools/
* Require Python >= 3.6 in
* Fix malformed docstrings in ma.
* Optimize Cpu feature detect in X86, fix for GCC on macOS
* does not show keyword-only arguments
* Fix bad reference in ````
* Fix detecting and testing armhf features
* Fix packbits documentation rendering,
* Fix troubleshooting code snippet when env vars are empty
* relpath fails for different drives on windows
* Fix ````
* Bump numpydoc version
* Stop Using PyEval_Call* and simplify some uses
* Improve the ARM cpu feature detection by parsing /proc/cpuinfo
* Reconstruct Testing Guideline.
* Cleanup 'tools/'
* link np.interp to SciPy's interpolation functions (closes...
* Fix spelling typo - homogenous to homogeneous.
* Use AVX-512 for np.isnan, np.infinite, np.isinf and np.signbit
* Fix refcounting in add_newdoc
* Create a link for the circleCI artifact
* Fix dtype leak in `PyArray_FromAny` error path
* Indentation for docstrings
* Fix small leaks in error path and ``empty_like`` with shape
* Streamline download-wheels.
* Fix an obvious mistake in a message printed in doc/Makefile.
* Bump cython from 0.29.17 to 0.29.19
* Bump hypothesis from 5.14.0 to 5.15.1
* Bump pytest-cov from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0
* Use AVX-512 for np.frexp and np.ldexp
* add index for user docs.
* ARM Neon implementation with intrinsic for np.argmax.
* Tighten howto-docs guide
* Make ctypes optional on Windows
* Hardcode buffer handling for simple scalars
* Stop uploading wheels to Rackspace.
* Use a raw string for the fromstring docstring.
* Validate and disable CPU features in runtime
* Implement the NumPy C SIMD vectorization interface
* Update make dist html target.
* Update sphinx conf to use xelatex.
* turn on codecov patch diffs
* endpoints of array returned by geomspace() should match...
* support python 3.10
* Chain some exceptions.
* Improve intersect1d docstring
* Update assert_warns parameter list
* Simplify assert_warns in
* make NEP 18 status Final
* Add style guide to howto_document
* NEP for C style guide
* Fix description of dtype default in linspace
* Add extern to PyArrayDTypeMeta_Type declaration
* Add a reference into NEP 29,
* Catch remaining cases of Py_SIZE and Py_TYPE as lvalues
* Fix deprecated warn for Intel/Apple/Clang Compiler
* make clearer that sinc is normalized by a factor pi
* update roadmap
* fixes einsum output order with optimization
* add a "make show" command to doc/Makefile
* Add a NEP link to all neps.
* extend error message when Accelerate is detected
* Improve assert_warns docstring with example
* Bump hypothesis from 5.15.1 to 5.16.0
* Fix development_workflow links
* fix GCC 10 major version comparison
* install mingw32 v7.3.0 for win32
* Fixes for 18 broken links
* use zip instead of range in piecewise
* add `norm=forward,backward` to numpy.fft functions
* Optimize the performace of np.packbits in ARM-based machine.
* Fix result when a gufunc output broadcasts the inputs.
* Point Contributing page to new NEP 45
* make Py_SET_SIZE and Py_SET_TYPE macros a bit safer
* Error when ``size`` is smaller than broadcast input...
* Correct MV Normal sig
* raise IEEE exception on AIX
* only single-polynomial fitting in
* Minor rounding correction in Generator.binomial
* trivial doc style fix in NEP 45.
* add type stubs from numpy-stubs
* make callbacks threadsafe
* replace \t by whitespace for readability
* MAINT:ARMHF Fix detecting feature groups NEON_HALF and NEON_VFPV4
* Improve buffer speed
* move thread-local declaration definition to common...
* Fix cython warning in random/_common.pyx.
* Bump pytest from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3
* Remove non-threadsafe sigint handling from fft calculation
* SSE2 intrinsic implementation for float64 input of np.enisum
* Ensure SeedSequence 0-padding does not collide with spawn...
* Remove deprecated numeric types and deprecate remaining
* drop win32 3.7, 3.6 builds
* simplifying annotations for np.core.from_numeric
* make typing module available at runtime
* Throw TypeError on operator concat on Numpy Arrays
* Add new tests for array coercion
* fix sin/cos bug when input is strided array
* fix name of first parameter to dtype constructor in type...
* Added an example for np.transpose(4d_array)
* changed np.generic arguments to positional-only
* Clarify dtype default for logspace and geomspace
* Disallow complex args in arange
* Raise TypeError for float->timedelta promotion
* Add ``__f2py_numpy_version__`` attribute to Fortran modules.
* Fix reference count leak in mapping.c
* Move and improve ``test_ignore_nan_ulperror``.
* make addition of types a "new feature" in release notes
* Avx512 intrinsics implementation for float64 input np.log
* Bump pytest-cov from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
* Bump hypothesis from 5.16.0 to 5.16.1
* bump mypy version to 0.780
* Openblas 0.3.10
* add annotation for abs
* check if std=c99 is really required
* disable Shippable cache
* Expand array-creation benchmarks
* Implemented two dtype-related TODO's
* Initialize stop-reading in array_from_text
* Updated documentation for numpy.squeeze
* add tool to find functions missing types
* ENH,BUG:distutils Remove the origins from the implied features
* Some code clean up in loadtxt
* remove obsolete goal_time param
* Fix uint->timedelta promotion to raise TypeError
* Replace `PyUString_GET_SIZE` with `PyUnicode_GetLength`.
* Fix outdated docs link
* add a static typing test for memoryviews as ArrayLikes
* Added annotations to 8 functions from np.core.fromnumeric
* Update master after 1.19.0 release.
* Allow genfromtxt to unpack structured arrays
* Prefer generator expressions over list comprehensions...
* cross-reference and numpy.linalg.multi_dot
* Bump hypothesis from 5.16.1 to 5.16.3
* Bump mypy from 0.780 to 0.781
* Add lib.format.open_memmap to autosummary.
* Fix bug in AVX complex absolute while processing array of...
* remove blacklist/whitelist terms
* Add extra debugging information to CPU features detection
* Add support for file like objects to np.core.records.fromfile
* updated gcc minimum recommend version to build from source
* Allow `None` to be passed to certain `generic` subclasses
* fixed docstring for descr_to_dtype
* Remove "matrix" from `triu` docstring.
* add py.typed sentinel to package manifest
* Fixup quantile tests to not use `np.float`
* Add CPU entry for Emscripten / WebAssembly
* Disable Python 3.9-dev testing.
* Add instruction about stable symlink
* Disable use_hugepages in case of ValueError
* Add dep directive to alen docstring.
* Add RPATH support for AIX
* fix typo
* Fix PyArray_SearchSorted signature.
* Add annotations to the last 8 functions in numpy.core.fromnumeric
* Use f90 compiler specified in f2py command line args for...
* reword random c-api introduction, cython is documented in...
* Tweak a sentence about broadcasting.
* Prepend `ma.` to references in ````
* Remove redundant word
* add unique() to See Also of repeat()
* add example to unique() and make connection to repeat()
* Chaining exceptions in numpy/core/
* add manylinux1 OpenBlAS 0.3.10 hashes and test for them
* Add Matti Picus to steering council page
* make dtype generic over scalar type
* Added a section in the 'Iterating over arrays' doc page...
* Tidy exception chaining in
* Fixes for deprecated functions in scalartypes.c.src
* Bump mypy from 0.781 to 0.782
* Bump hypothesis from 5.16.3 to 5.19.0
* Update NumPy logos
* Remove unneeded call to PyUnicode_READY
* Fix deprecated functions in scalarapi.c
* switch to logo with text
* Bring the NumPy C SIMD vectorization interface "NPYV"...
* Add basic benchmarks for scalar indexing and assignment
* fix decode error when building and get rid of warn
* Minor RST formatting.
* update cython to 0.29.21
* Upgrade to Python 3.8 for DEBUG testing.
* Fix RST/numpydoc standard.
* Move typing tests
* Explicitly disallow object user dtypes
* add example to corrcoef function
* adding docs on passing dimensions as tuple to ndindex
* Remove overzealous automatic RST link
* Add explanation of 'K' and 'A' layout options to 'asarray*'...
* Add a reST label to /user/building.rst
* fix mgrid output for lower precision float inputs
* temporarily disable OpenBLAS hash checks
* Do not inherit flags from the structured part of a union...
* replace dec.slow with pytest.mark.slow
* Make void scalar to array creation copy when dtype is...
* fix inconsistent parameter name in np.ndindex docstring
* setuptools 49.2.0 emits a warning, avoid it
* add examples to random number generator pages
* describe ufunc copy behavior when input and output overlap
* Fix ```` warning.
* Add pandas to doc_requirements.txt
* fix sphinx deprecation
* Avoid using uninitialized bytes in
* Explaining why datetime64 doesn't work for allclose + isclose
* improve SIMD features tables
* update openblas hashes, re-enable check
* Remove code that will never run
* Bump hypothesis from 5.19.0 to 5.19.1
* linspace should round towards -infinity
* Disable shippable until we can fix it.
* Remove Duplicated Code (function extract rmap)
* Remove Duplicated Code
* Change for loop (range -> for each)
* Deprecate NumPy object scalars
* clarify whats required for new features
* fix new compiler warnings on clang
* fix the search dir of dispatch-able sources
* Remove deprecated python function 'file()'
* Validate output size in bin- and multinomial
* Pin setuptools
* Update compiler check for AVX-512F
* fix the test for ``np.ones``
* edit to the documentation of lib/
* Configure hypothesis in ``np.test()`` for determinism,...
* Remove unused pip install
* Fix bad MPL kwarg in docs
* Fix types including curly braces
* Remove the links for ``True`` and ``False``
* Integrate the new CPU dispatcher with umath generator
* Fix wrong markups in `arrays.dtypes`
* Remove links for C codes
* Fix the declarations of C fuctions
* also use Py_SET_REFCNT instead of Py_REFCNT
* Chaining exceptions in numpy/
* update val to be scalar or array like optional
* Bump hypothesis from 5.19.1 to 5.20.2
* Speed up trim_zeros
* Fix string/bytes to complex assignment
* Add correctness vs strictness consideration for np.dtype
* Add ufunc docstring to generated docs.
* Update master after 1.19.1 release.
* Revert "Merge pull request 16248 from alexrockhill/edge"
* Fix memory leak of buffer-info cache due to relaxed strides
* Store exported buffer info on the array
* update OpenBLAS build
* Allow array-like types to be coerced as object array elements
* Deprecate size-one ragged array coercion
* Change the name of the folder "icons" to "logo".
* enable colors for ` --ipython`
* Clarify input to irfft/irfft2/irfftn
* Bump hypothesis from 5.20.2 to 5.23.2
* update numpy/lib/ with appropriate chain exception
* Use arm64 instead of aarch64 on travisCI.
* Chain exception in ``distutils/fcompiler/``.
* Added the `order` parameter to `np.array()`
* Add Neon SIMD implementations for add, sub, mul, and div
* Fixed typo in lib/
* Add pypy win32 CI testing.
* Increase the use of `Literal` types
* Add NumPy declarations to be used by Cython 3.0+
* Add the new NumPy logo to Sphinx pages
* Bump hypothesis from 5.23.2 to 5.23.9
* Bump pytest from 5.4.3 to 6.0.1
* pin setuptools < 49.2.0
* Revise glossary page
* clip() allows arguments.
* Updated NEP-35 with keyword-only instruction
* Simplify scalar power
* Improve error handling in umathmodule setup
* Disclaimer for FFT library
* Add error return to all casting functionality and NpyIter
* fix a compile and a test warning
* Clarify that `np.char` comparison functions always return...
* Use a less ambiguous example for array_split
* Bump hypothesis from 5.23.9 to 5.23.12
* core._internal style fixups
* Remove _EXTRAFLAGS variable
* fix typo in polydiv that prevented promotion to poly1d
* Revert boolean casting back to elementwise comparisons...
* Raise error on complex input to i0
* Remove obsolete conversion to set
* Remove the deprecated financial functions.
* Remove uses of PyString_FromString.
* use the pydata_sphinx_theme
* Fixes duplication of toctree content
* Bump pytest-cov from 2.10.0 to 2.10.1
* Bump hypothesis from 5.23.12 to 5.26.0
* Adjust NEP-35 to make it more user-accessible
* Add placeholder stubs for all sub-modules
* Split einsum into multiple files
* Handle errors from the PyCapsule API
* Fix spacing in vectorize doc
* Remove `np.ctypeslib.ctypes_load_library`
* make spacing consistent in NEP 41 bullet points
* fix ilp64 blas dot/vdot/... for strides > int32 max
* allow running mypy through
* Remove duplicated symbols from link step
* Check for reduce intrinsics and AVX512BW mask operations
* Chain some exceptions in arraysetops.
* Chain ValueError in ma.timer_comparison
* Rewrite promotion using common DType and common instance
* Make arrayprint str and repr the ndarray defaults.
* Fix a few typos.
* Change handling of the expired financial functions.
* Add annotations to 3 functions in `np.core.function_base`
* Replace uses of PyString_AsString.
* ``Replace PyUString_*`` by ``PyUnicode_*`` equivalents.
* Replace PyInt macros with their PyLong replacement
* Add support for the abstract scalars to cython code
* Fix incorrect cython definition of npy_cfloat
* Clean up some Npy_ vs Py_ macro usage
* Remove references to PyCObject
* Update numpy4matlab
* Clean up some more bytes vs unicode handling
* Remove Void special case for "safe casting"
* Remove redundant headers
* Merge the npysort library into multiarray
* Add tests mapping out the rules for metadata in promotion
* revert trim_zeros changes from gh-16911
* Make `np.complexfloating` generic w.r.t. `np.floating`
* remove calls to PyUnicode_AsASCIIString,...
* Added missing methods to `np.flatiter`
* Correct error in description of ndarray.base
* Document `dtype.metadata`
* Use utf8 strings in more of datetime
* Add placeholder stubs for `ndarray` and `generic`
* Bump hypothesis from 5.26.0 to 5.30.0
* Remove some callers of functions in numpy.compat
* Make the window functions exactly symmetric
* Improve error handling in npy_cpu_init
* Fix the documented signatures of four `ufunc` methods
* Make the `NPY_CPU_DISPATCH_CALL` macros expressions not...
* Fixed headings for tutorials so they appear at new theme...
* Canonical_urls
* Fix various issues with the `np.generic` annotations
* enabled negation of library choices in NPY_*_ORDER
* comment out metadata added via javascript
* move informational files from numpy.doc.*.py to their...
* use sysconfig not distutils.sysconfig where possible
* Fix dimension discovery of within array ragged cases
* Added templates for different types of issues.
* Deprecated ndindex.ndincr
* Remove old PY_VERSION_HEX and sys.version_info code
* Avoid using ``np.random`` in typing tests.
* Fix link quick-start in old random API functions
* ``__array_interface__`` data address cannot be bytes
* Run slow CI jobs earlier so builds finishes sooner
* Add tool to help speed up Travis CI
* Fix docstring cross-referencing
* Added a PR "Reviewer guidelines" document.
* work around a bug in the new theme
* add fused multiply subtract/add intrinics for all supported...
* Bump hypothesis from 5.30.0 to 5.33.0
* Bump pydata-sphinx-theme from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
* add new glossary terms
* remove some glosssary terms
* Fix the path to `mypy.ini` in ``
* sysconfig attributes/distutils issue
* Annotate the arithmetic operations of `ndarray` and `generic`
* Merge together index page content into a single file
* Fix a typo in shape_base.
* Pass optimizations arguments to asv build
* Change the financial name access warning to DeprecationWarning
* Update master after 1.19.2 release.
* Simplify ufunc pickling
* Cleanup some pystring macros
* Replace remaining PyString macros.
* Replace PyUString_Check by PyUnicode_Check.
* fix pickling user-scalars by allowing non-format buffer...
* Replace some ``pyint_*`` macros defined in ``npy_3kcompat``.
* set upper versions for build dependencies
* (dtype-transfer) make copyswapn and legacy cast wrapper...
* Replace PyBaseString_Check by PyUnicode_Check
* Replace a couple of missed npy_3kcompat macros
* pin pygments to 2.6.1, 2.7.0 breaks custom NumPyC lexer
* Bump hypothesis from 5.33.0 to 5.35.1
* Bump pytest from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
* Move the `fromnumeric` annotations to their own stub file
* Syntax-highlight .src files on github
* Mark vendored/generated files in .gitattributes
* Cleanup f2py/
* Set deprecated fields to null in PyArray_InitArrFuncs
* allow registration of hard-coded structured dtypes
* Add annotations for five array construction functions
* Fix incorrect `.. deprecated::` syntax that led to this...
* improve `issubdtype` and scalar type docs
* Remove the tables of scalar types, and use `..autoclass`...
* update lexer highlighting and make numpydocs a regular...
* Chaining exceptions in
* Regenerate table in NEP 29 (add numpy 1.18 and 1.19 to list)
* Fix syntax errors in docstrings for versionchanged, versionadded
* Add partial/non-contig load and store intrinsics for 32/64-bit
* Support for the NVIDIA HPC SDK nvfortran compiler
* Fix a macOS build failure when `NPY_BLAS_ORDER=""`
* Add PR prefix labeler and numpy prefix mapping
* Guide to writing how-tos
* How-to guide for I/O
* clarify residuals return param
* Add Npy__PyLong_AsInt function.
* Bump hypothesis from 5.35.1 to 5.35.3
* Finish replacing PyInt_Check
* Remove an obsolete paragraph.
* Edit nep-0042 for more clarity
* Add annotations for remaining `ndarray` / `generic` non-magic...
* Fixes module data docstrings.
* Fix default_rng docstring
* ensure _UFuncNoLoopError can be pickled
* Minor grammatical correction in quickstart doc.
* NumPy restyling for pydata theme
* Fix docstring for np.matmul
* Bump hypothesis from 5.35.3 to 5.36.1
* Remove old debug print statement.
* Replace "About NumPy" with "Document conventions"
* Update info on doc style rules
* Fix default void, datetime, and timedelta in array coercion
* Replace append_metastr_to_string function.
* Fixed ARGOUTVIEWM memory deallocation.
* rm incorrect alias from recarray user article.
* Rewrite can-cast logic in terms of NEP 42
* Add arraysetops to an autosummary
* Replace PyUString_ConcatAndDel in nditer_constr.c.
* Replace PyUString_ConcatAndDel in mapping.c.
* Replace the module-level `__getattr__` with explicit type...
* in PR template, set expectations for PR review timeline
* Cleanup remaining PyUString_ConcatAndDel use.
* Special case how numpy scalars are coerced to signed integer
* Mark the typing tests as slow
* Fix a parameter type in the `putmask` docs
* adding operational form documentation for array ops
* Deprecate coercion to subarray dtypes
* Fix memory leak in array-coercion error paths
* chains nested try-except in numpy/ma/
* Remove bogus reference to _a_
* Fix formatting issues in description of .c.src files
* nep-0029 typo correction
* Move aliases for common scalar unions to `numpy.typing`
* Fix memoryleaks related to NEP 37 function overrides
* Fix the links for ``Ellipsis``
* add references to einops and opt_einsum
* Disable 32 bit PyPy CI testing on Windows.
* Security warning for issues template
* Fix "Feature request" spelling in issue templates
* Chaining exception in numpy\numpy\ma\
* Cleaner template for PRs
* fix exception chaining in
* Warn on unsupported Python 3.10+
* Typed` to the PyPi classifier
* Fix the references for macros
* update NEP 42 with discussion of type hinting applications
* Remove CoC pages from Sphinx
* Chain exceptions in ""
* Bump hypothesis from 5.36.1 to 5.37.0
* add dtype option to numpy.lib.function_base.cov and corrcoef
* Fixes incorrect error message in numpy.ediff1d
* update code of conduct URL
* Add some entries for C types and macros
* Add annotations for bitwise operations
* add some missing scalar aliases
* Fix doctest for full_like
* remove os.fspath and os.PathLike backports
* Move the `np.core.numeric` annotations to their own stub...
* type np.unicode_ as np.str_
* Fix the entries for members of structures
* Fix the references for `random.*`
* circleCI- merge before build, add -n to sphinx
* Remove duplicate placeholder annotations
* Use consistent lowercase on docs landing page
* fix incompatible type comparison in
* Fix failures in master related to userdtype registeration
* remove `sys` from the type stubs
* Fix empty 'C style guide' page
* Rename 'Quickstart tutorial'
* Added the Final feature for all constants
* Fewer blank lines in PR template
* Display real license on license page
* Add docstrings for some scalar types
* Update top links in landing page
* Make merge ref grabbing conditional on the PR being active
* Fix Bool types in C functions
* Fix some links and typos
* Cleanup compatibility code for pathlib
* Fix a typo
* add function to get broadcast shape from a given set of...
* Fixed crash on self-referential dtypes
* Bump hypothesis from 5.37.0 to 5.37.1
* Bump pydata-sphinx-theme from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
* Bump mypy from 0.782 to 0.790
* Make `np.number` generic with respect to its precision
* fix conditional for PR merge command
* explicit disabling `CCompilerOpt` in F2PY
* Cygwin Workaround for 14787 on affected platforms
* Fix the entries of C functions
* Fix wrong blockquotes
* Add NEP 43 links to NEP 42
* Remove directives for some constants
* Update the annotations in `np.core.numeric`
* Add the entry for ``NPY_FEATURE_VERSION``
* Fix typos
* Add annotations for three new constants
* Fix Boolean array indexing typo
* Respect dtype of all-zero argument to poly1d
* include additional feedback
* Cleanup swig for Python 3.
* Move the `np.core.numerictypes` annotations to their own...
* Bump hypothesis from 5.37.1 to 5.37.3
* Add annotations for `np.core._type_aliases`
* Typo in lexsort docstring
* Coercion/cast of array to a subarray dtype will be fixed
* Clean up the errors of the typing tests
* Fixed file handle leak in array_tofile.
* Fix a broken `np.core.numeric` test
* Mark dead code as intentional for clang.
* removed old references to submodule licenses
* Fix typos (general documentation)
* Fully qualify license trove classifier
* mac dylib treated as part of extra objects by f2py
* Add annotations for 9 `ndarray`/`generic` magic methods
* Fix the document for arrays interface
* Conversion of some strings to f-strings
* Fix some references
* Valid docstring for config_py function show()
* Conversion of some strings to fstrings, part II
* Conversion of some strings to fstrings, part III
* Tidy up references to str_ / bytes_
* Conversion of some strings to fstrings, part iv
* Fix the references for ``__array_*__``
* Add entries for macros
* Add ``identity_value`` to ``PyUFuncObject``
* Replace ``PyCObject`` with ``PyCapsule``
* Don't use Python highlighting for non-python code
* Fix some references
* Bump hypothesis from 5.37.3 to 5.38.0
* update to OpenBLAS v0.3.12
* Fix reference to atleast_1d
* Add annotations for `np.core._ufunc_config`
* Add annotations for `np.core.shape_base`
* fix np.timedelta64('nat').__format__ throwing an exception
* f2py incorrectly translates dimension declarations.
* Fix installing Numpy on z/OS
* Ensure inner loop signature is complete everywhere
* simplify source path names in compilation test
* Add a doctest for ``getlincoef``
* Update master after 1.19.3 release.
* Make test suite work in FIPS (140-2) Mode
* Add a docstring for getarrlen
* Update README badge for
* Refine a number of ``np.generic`` annotations
* Update release documentation and software
* Add sum intrinsics for float/double.
* (nditer_impl.h) Use ``intp`` instead of ``char *`` for offset...
* Fix small bug in ````.
* Modify Templates
* Bump hypothesis from 5.38.0 to 5.41.0
* Bump pytz from 2020.1 to 2020.4
* use a more standard workflow for PyPy
* Update master after 1.19.4 release.
* Rename ``DtypeLike`` to ``DTypeLike``
* Fix small typos.
* Fixed an issue where ``.pyi`` files were ignored by numpy...
* Fix Doc Typos & Added Example
* Improve the einsum bench by adding new bench cases and variable...
* Revert gh-17654 - f2py incorrectly translates dimension...
* Add more files to ``.gitgnore``
* Do not import sliding_window_view to main namespace
* Do not override ``sliding_window_view`` module to ``numpy``
* Add NEP-35 instructions on reading like= downstream
* Use importlib to find numpy root directory in distutils
* Remove unused ``**options`` from MaskedArray ``__new__``...
* Remove Python 3.6 CI testing.
* move linux jobs to github actions
* Bump hypothesis from 5.41.0 to 5.41.2
* Fix cblas detection on windows
* add pypy3.7
* compare platform.architecture() correctly
* Add "performance" category to the release notes
* Fix segfault due to out of bound pointer in floatstatus...
* Fix buffer export dtype references
* Fix memory leaks found using valgrind
* Lazy load f2py test utilities
* use BUFFERSIZE=20 in OpenBLAS
* fix reuses the previous values during the fallback...
* update link to website in FUNDING.yml
* Add BLD and STY to labeler prefixes.
* Simplify Hypothesis configuration
* Make like= argument added in NEP-35 strict
* Fix up links, code blocks of release note fragments
* Minor touchups in npyio
* Update mailmap.
* Set the ufunc and ndarray ops return type to ``Any``
* Update
* Fix empty_like docstring
* Add missing release fragments to ``upcoming_changes``.
* Fix incorrectly passed size in masked processing
* Bump hypothesis from 5.41.2 to 5.41.3
* Add back durations flag for DEBUG builds.
* Fix subarray dtype used with too large count in fromfile
* Fix pickling of scalars with NPY_LISTPICKLE
* Update the `numpy.typing` documentation
* Fixing boilerplate code example
* Add ``__all__`` to `numpy.typing`
* Add release note for gh-16161.
* Fix incorrect C function prototypes/declarations.
* Prepare for the NumPy 1.20.x branch.
* use python-version not PYTHON_VERSION
* Fix buffer readflag errors and small leaks
* Prepare for 1.20.0 release
* Remove remaining uses of Python 3.6.
* use latest pypy37 not pypy36
* clean up a spurious warning in numpy/typing/
* Speed up default ``where`` in the reduce-like method
* remove stray '+' from f-string upgrade
* add support for fujitsu compiler to numpy.
* 'bool' object has no attribute 'ndim'
* Update release notes to mention ``type(dtype) is not np.dtype``
* Replace f-string in
* Ignore fewer errors during array-coercion
* Fix a MacOS build failure
* Fix crosstalk issues with polynomial str tests.
* Ensure tests are not sensitive to execution order
* update to OpenBLAS 0.3.13
* Futurewarn on requiring __len__ on array-likes
* make a variable volatile to work around clang compiler bug
* add back sdist test run
* Fix concatenation when the output is "S" or "U"
* Fix detecting aarch64 on macOS
* Prepare for 1.20.0rc2 release.
* Generate the main dispatcher config header into the...
* Fix _simd module build for 64bit ARM/NEON clang
* Update 1.20.x after 1.19.5 release.
* Fix promotion of half and string
* improve avx512 mask logical operations
* Promotion between strings and objects was assymetric
* Use explicit reexports for numpy.typing objects
* Keep ignoring most errors during array-protocol lookup
* warn on unrecognized objects, fix empty...
* update OpenBLAS to af2b0d02
* Clarify the type alias deprecation message
* Ensure too many advanced indices raises an exception
* add an 'apt update'
* Prepare for the NumPy 1.20.0 release.
