Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2021-06-04 15:56:31
Message id:

Log Message:
lang/php80: update to 8.0.7

03 Jun 2021, PHP 8.0.7

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #80960 (opendir() warning wrong info when failed on Windows).
  . Fixed bug #67792 (HTTP Authorization schemes are treated as case-sensitive).
  . Fixed bug #80972 (Memory exhaustion on invalid string offset). (girgias)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #65800 (Events port mechanism). (psumbera)

- FTP:
  . Fixed bug #80901 (Info leak in ftp extension). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #79100 (Wrong FTP error messages). (cmb)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug #81032 (GD install is affected by external libgd installation).
    (Flavio Heleno, cmb)

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug #81019 (Unable to clone NumberFormatter after failed parse()).

- MBString:
  . Fixed bug #81011 (mb_convert_encoding removes references from arrays). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #80460 (ODBC doesn't account for SQL_NO_TOTAL indicator). (cmb)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug #81007 (JIT "not supported" on 32-bit x86 -- build problem?).
  . Fixed bug #81015 (Opcache optimization assumes wrong part of ternary
    operator in if-condition). (Nikita)
  . Fixed bug #81046 (Literal compaction merges non-equal related literals).

  . Fixed bug #81037 (PDO discards error message text from prepared
    statement). (Kamil Tekiela)

  . Fixed bug #44643 (bound parameters ignore explicit type definitions). (cmb)

- pgsql:
  . Fixed php_pgsql_fd_cast() wrt. php_stream_can_cast(). (cmb)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug #80933 (SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE is broken for NUL and CR).
    (cmb, Nikita)

- XMLReader:
  . Fixed bug #73246 (XMLReader: encoding length not checked). (cmb)

- Zip:
  . Fixed bug #80863 (ZipArchive::extractTo() ignores references). (cmb)
