Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-astroid
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-07-22 10:40:56
Message id:

Log Message:
py-astroid: updated to 2.6.5

What's New in astroid 2.6.5?
* Fix a crash when there would be a 'TypeError object does not support
  item assignment' in the code we parse.
* Fix a crash when a AttributeInferenceError was raised when
 failing to find the real name in infer_import_from.

What's New in astroid 2.6.4?
* Fix a crash when a StopIteration was raised when inferring
  a faulty function in a context manager.

What's New in astroid 2.6.3?
* Added ``If.is_sys_guard`` and ``If.is_typing_guard`` helper methods
* Fix a bad inferenece type for yield values inside of a derived class.
* Fix a crash when the node is a 'Module' in the brain builtin inference
* Fix issues when inferring match variables
* Fix lookup for nested non-function scopes
* Fix issue that ``TypedDict`` instance wasn't callable.
* Add dependency on setuptools and a guard to prevent related exceptions.
