Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/fail2ban
From: Thomas Merkel
Date: 2021-10-16 21:37:01
Message id:

Log Message:
Update fail2ban to 0.11.2

ver. 0.11.2 (2020/11/23) - heal-the-world-with-security-tools

* [stability] prevent race condition - no ban if filter (backend) is \ 
continuously busy if
  too many messages will be found in log, e. g. initial scan of large log-file \ 
or journal (gh-2660)
* pyinotify-backend sporadically avoided initial scanning of log-file by start
* python 3.9 compatibility (and Travis CI support)
* restoring a large number (500+ depending on files ulimit) of current bans when \ 
using PyPy fixed
* manual ban is written to database, so can be restored by restart (gh-2647)
* `jail.conf`: don't specify `action` directly in jails (use `action_` or \ 
`banaction` instead)
* no mails-action added per default anymore (e. g. to allow that `action = \ 
%(action_mw)s` should be specified
  per jail or in default section in jail.local), closes gh-2357
* ensure we've unique action name per jail (also if parameter `actname` is not \ 
set but name deviates from standard name, gh-2686)
* don't use `%(banaction)s` interpolation because it can be complex value \ 
(containing `[...]` and/or quotes),
  so would bother the action interpolation
* fixed type conversion in config readers (take place after all interpolations \ 
get ready), that allows to
  specify typed parameters variable (as substitutions) as well as to supply it \ 
in other sections or as init parameters.
* `action.d/*-ipset*.conf`: several ipset actions fixed (no timeout per default \ 
anymore), so no discrepancy
  between ipset and fail2ban (removal from ipset will be managed by fail2ban \ 
only, gh-2703)
* `action.d/cloudflare.conf`: fixed `actionunban` (considering new-line chars \ 
and optionally real json-parsing
   with `jq`, gh-2140, gh-2656)
* `action.d/nftables.conf` (type=multiport only): fixed port range selector, \ 
replacing `:` with `-` (gh-2763)
* `action.d/firewallcmd-*.conf` (multiport only): fixed port range selector, \ 
replacing `:` with `-` (gh-2821)
* `action.d/bsd-ipfw.conf`: fixed selection of rule-no by large list or initial \ 
`lowest_rule_num` (gh-2836)
* `filter.d/common.conf`: avoid substitute of default values in related `lt_*` \ 
section, `__prefix_line`
  should be interpolated in definition section (inside the filter-config, gh-2650)
* `filter.d/dovecot.conf`:
  - add managesieve and submission support (gh-2795);
  - accept messages with more verbose logging (gh-2573);
* `filter.d/courier-smtp.conf`: prefregex extended to consider port in \ 
log-message (gh-2697)
* `filter.d/traefik-auth.conf`: filter extended with parameter mode (`normal`, \ 
`ddos`, `aggressive`) to handle
  the match of username differently (gh-2693):
  - `normal`: matches 401 with supplied username only
  - `ddos`: matches 401 without supplied username only
  - `aggressive`: matches 401 and any variant (with and without username)
* `filter.d/sshd.conf`: normalizing of user pattern in all RE's, allowing empty \ 
user (gh-2749)

New Features and Enhancements:
* fail2ban-regex:
  - speedup formatted output (bypass unneeded stats creation)
  - extended with prefregex statistic
  - more informative output for `datepattern` (e. g. set from filter) - pattern \ 
: description
* parsing of action in jail-configs considers space between action-names as \ 
separator also
  (previously only new-line was allowed), for example `action = a b` would \ 
specify 2 actions `a` and `b`
* new filter and jail for GitLab recognizing failed application logins (gh-2689)
* new filter and jail for Grafana recognizing failed application logins (gh-2855)
* new filter and jail for SoftEtherVPN recognizing failed application logins \ 
* `filter.d/guacamole.conf` extended with `logging` parameter to follow \ 
webapp-logging if it's configured (gh-2631)
* `filter.d/bitwarden.conf` enhanced to support syslog (gh-2778)
* introduced new prefix `{UNB}` for `datepattern` to disable word boundaries in \ 
* datetemplate: improved anchor detection for capturing groups `(^...)`;
* datepattern: improved handling with wrong recognized timestamps (timezones, no \ 
datepattern, etc)
  as well as some warnings signaling user about invalid pattern or zone (gh-2814):
  - filter gets mode in-operation, which gets activated if filter starts \ 
processing of new messages;
    in this mode a timestamp read from log-line that appeared recently (not an \ 
old line), deviating too much
    from now (up too 24h), will be considered as now (assuming a timezone \ 
issue), so could avoid unexpected
    bypass of failure (previously exceeding `findtime`);
  - better interaction with non-matching optional datepattern or invalid timestamps;
  - implements special datepattern `{NONE}` - allow to find failures totally \ 
without date-time in log messages,
    whereas filter will use now as timestamp (gh-2802)
* performance optimization of `datepattern` (better search algorithm in \ 
datedetector, especially for single template);
* fail2ban-client: extended to unban IP range(s) by subnet (CIDR/mask) or \ 
hostname (DNS), gh-2791;
* extended capturing of alternate tags in filter, allowing combine of multiple \ 
groups to single tuple token with new tag
  prefix `<F-TUPLE_`, that would combine value of `<F-V>` with all \ 
value of `<F-TUPLE_V?_n?>` tags (gh-2755)
