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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-vctrs
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2022-05-05 04:09:10
Message id:
Log Message:
(math/R-vctrs) Update 0.3.8 to 0.4.1
# vctrs 0.4.1
* OOB errors with `character()` indexes use "that don't exist" instead
of "past the end" (#1543).
* Fixed memory protection issues related to common type
determination (#1551, tidyverse/tidyr#1348).
# vctrs 0.4.0
* New experimental `vec_locate_sorted_groups()` for returning the locations of
groups in sorted order. This is equivalent to, but faster than, calling
`vec_group_loc()` and then sorting by the `key` column of the result.
* New experimental `vec_locate_matches()` for locating where each observation
in one vector matches one or more observations in another vector. It is
similar to `vec_match()`, but returns all matches by default (rather than just
the first), and can match on binary conditions other than equality. The
algorithm is inspired by data.table's very fast binary merge procedure.
* The `vec_proxy_equal()`, `vec_proxy_compare()`, and `vec_proxy_order()`
methods for `vctrs_rcrd` are now applied recursively over the fields (#1503).
* Lossy cast errors now inherit from incompatible type errors.
* `vec_is_list()` now returns `TRUE` for `AsIs` lists (#1463).
* `vec_assert()`, `vec_ptype2()`, `vec_cast()`, and `vec_as_location()`
now use `caller_arg()` to infer a default `arg` value from the
This may result in unhelpful arguments being mentioned in error
messages. In general, you should consider snapshotting vctrs error
messages thrown in your package and supply `arg` and `call`
arguments if the error context is not adequately reported to your
* `vec_ptype_common()`, `vec_cast_common()`, `vec_size_common()`, and
`vec_recycle_common()` gain `call` and `arg` arguments for
specifying an error context.
* `vec_compare()` can now compare zero column data frames (#1500).
* `new_data_frame()` now errors on negative and missing `n` values (#1477).
* `vec_order()` now correctly orders zero column data frames (#1499).
* vctrs now depends on cli to help with error message generation.
* New `vec_check_list()` and `list_check_all_vectors()` input
checkers, and an accompanying `list_all_vectors()` predicate.
* New `vec_interleave()` for combining multiple vectors together, interleaving
their elements in the process (#1396).
* `vec_equal_na(NULL)` now returns `logical(0)` rather than erroring (#1494).
* `vec_as_location(missing = "error")` now fails with `NA` and \
in addition to `NA_integer_` (#1420, @krlmlr).
* Starting with rlang 1.0.0, errors are displayed with the contextual
function call. Several vctrs operations gain a `call` argument that
makes it possible to report the correct context in error messages.
This concerns:
- `vec_cast()` and `vec_ptype2()`
- `vec_default_cast()` and `vec_default_ptype2()`
- `vec_assert()`
- `vec_as_names()`
- `stop_` constructors like `stop_incompatible_type()`
Note that default `vec_cast()` and `vec_ptype2()` methods
automatically support this if they pass `...` to the corresponding
`vec_default_` functions. If you throw a non-internal error from a
non-default method, add a `call = caller_env()` argument in the
method and pass it to `rlang::abort()`.
* If `NA_character_` is specified as a name for `vctrs_vctr` objects, it is
now automatically repaired to `""` (#780).
* `""` is now an allowed name for `vctrs_vctr` objects and all its
subclasses (`vctrs_list_of` in particular) (#780).
* `list_of()` is now much faster when many values are provided.
* `vec_as_location()` evaluates `arg` only in case of error, for performance
(#1150, @krlmlr).
* `levels.vctrs_vctr()` now returns `NULL` instead of failing (#1186, @krlmlr).
* `vec_assert()` produces a more informative error when `size` is invalid
* `vec_duplicate_detect()` is a bit faster when there are many unique values.
* `vec_proxy_order()` is described in `vignette("s3-vectors")` (#1373, \
* `vec_chop()` now materializes ALTREP vectors before chopping, which is more
efficient than creating many small ALTREP pieces (#1450).
* New `list_drop_empty()` for removing empty elements from a list (#1395).
* `list_sizes()` now propagates the names of the list onto the result.
* Name repair messages are now signaled by `rlang::names_inform_repair()`. This
means that the messages are now sent to stdout by default rather than to
stderr, resulting in prettier messages. Additionally, name repair messages can
now be silenced through the global option `rlib_name_repair_verbosity`, which
is useful for testing purposes. See `?names_inform_repair` for more
information (#1429).
* `vctrs_vctr` methods for `na.omit()`, `na.exclude()`, and `` have
been added (#1413).
* `vec_init()` is now slightly faster (#1423).
* `vec_set_names()` no longer corrupts `vctrs_rcrd` types (#1419).
* `vec_detect_complete()` now computes completeness for `vctrs_rcrd` types in
the same way as data frames, which means that if any field is missing, the
entire record is considered incomplete (#1386).
* The `na_value` argument of `vec_order()` and `vec_sort()` now correctly
respect missing values in lists (#1401).
* `vec_rep()` and `vec_rep_each()` are much faster for `times = 0` and
`times = 1` (@mgirlich, #1392).
* `vec_equal_na()` and `vec_fill_missing()` now work with integer64 vectors
* The `xtfrm()` method for vctrs_vctr objects no longer accidentally breaks
ties (#1354).
* `min()`, `max()` and `range()` no longer throw an error if `na.rm = TRUE` is
set and all values are `NA` (@gorcha, #1357). In this case, and where an empty
input is given, it will return `Inf`/`-Inf`, or `NA` if `Inf` can't be cast
to the input type.
* `vec_group_loc()`, used for grouping in dplyr, now correctly handles
vectors with billions of elements (up to `.Machine$integer.max`) (#1133).