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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/news/sfeed
From: Leonardo Taccari
Date: 2022-05-28 20:42:30
Message id:
Log Message:
sfeed: Update to 1.5
* sfeed_curses: interrupt waitpid while interactive child program is running
This now handles SIGTERM on sfeed_curses while an interactive child program is
* sfeed_curses: close stdin before spawning a plumb program in non-interactive
mode, which is more intuitive: the program doesn't seem to hang when it expects
input in this case since there is no way to send input anyway.
* Properly escape backslashes in the man pages (thanks adc!).
* Documentation improvements to the man pages and a progress indicator example
script for sfeed_update.
* Improve read and write error handling in streams in many programs.
* sfeed_update:
* Improve error handling and return a non-zero status if any feed fails.
NOTE: this changes the way of using:
sfeed_update && pkill -SIGHUP sfeed_curses
* Separate errors to stderr and "OK" messages to stdout.
* sfeed_curses:
* Avoid processes becoming a zombie (plumb, pipe, yank).
* Line editor: temporarily disable the mouse when searching with /.
* Improved signal handling.
* Improved waiting on processes and status handling.
* sfeed_html/sfeed_frames: add dark mode support to the example stylesheet.
* sfeed_opml_export: use a control-character separator for converting the list.
* General code cleanup improvements.
* Compatibility: reduce the assumption the builtin libc locale is ASCII-compatible
noticed on OpenBSD 3.8 where iscntrl detected C1 as control-characters,
breaking UTF-8.
* General documentation improvements.
* Makefile: rebuild sfeed_curses if the same theme changes.
* README: improve error handling in downloader example when a feed fails.