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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-waldo
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-06-11 11:11:57
Message id:
Log Message:
(devel/R-waldo) Updated 0.4.0 to 0.5.1
# waldo 0.5.1
* Tolerance is also taken into account when displaying differences (#173).
* `NA_real_` and `NaN` are only treated as non-equal when tolerance is
non-null. That means that `testthat::expect_equal(NaN, NA_real_)` will
pass but `testthat::expect_identical(NaN, NA_real_)` will fail (#174).
# waldo 0.5.0
* You can opt-out of quoting strings with `quote_strings = FALSE` (#145).
* Improvements to missing value handling:
* `NA_character_` and `"NA"` are no longer treated as equal (#162).
* `NA_real_` and `NaN` are no longer treated as equal (@sorhawell, #150).
* Leading and trailing `NA`s are no longer omitted from output when the
lengths of `x` and `y` are unequal (#109).
* The `balanced` attribute used by some `POSIXlt` objects in R 4.3 and greater
is now ignored (#160).
* 3d (and greater) numeric arrays no longer cause an error (#148).
* Support for complex numbers is improved (#146).
* `ignore_attr = "class"` now works for more types of input (#143).