Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Scope-Upper
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2023-06-12 14:37:24
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.34

Upstream changes:
0.34    2023-03-26 16:00 UTC
        + Add : Contributing guidelines are now listed in the new
                CONTRIBUTING file.
        + Fix : [RT #146897] Scope::Upper does not know about RCPV
                cop_warnings, and does not know that given is deprecated.
                "given" related warnings were silenced, and the new RCPV
                interface is now used.
                Thanks Yves Orton for reporting and contributing a fix.
        + Fix : Assertion failures triggering on perl version 5.37.10 and
                higher with DEBUGGING enabled.
        + Fix : t/64-uplevel-caller.t has been taught about the new call frame
                numbering convention.

0.33    2021-12-20 20:30 UTC
        + Fix : [RT #114816] resources/remote/url points to web interface
                META files now follow version 2.0 of the CPAN META spec.
                Thanks Kent Fredric for reporting.
        + Fix : [RT #139823] : Perl 5 blead breads t/07-context_info.t
                t/07-context_info.t has been hardened against warning bits
                Thanks Jim Keenan and Tony Cook for reporting and contributing
                a fix.
