Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-mercurial
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2023-07-19 16:40:50
Message id:

Log Message:
py-mercurial: update to 6.5.

New Features

    Improved Python 3.12 compatiblity
    configitems: enable changegroup3 by default (unless using infinitepush)
    extras: expose 'retained_extras' for extensions to extend
    stabletailgraph: implement stable-tail sort
    stabletailgraph: naive version of leap computation
    bundle: introduce a "v3" spec
    clone-bundles: add a basic first version of automatic bundle generation
    clone-bundles: garbage collect older bundle when generating new ones
    clone-bundles: only regenerate the clone bundle when cached ration is low
    clone-bundles: also control automation based on absolute number of revisions
    clone-bundles: add a configuration to control auto-generation on changes
    clone-bundles: introduce a command to refresh bundle
    clone-bundles: add a command to clear all bundles
    clone-bundles: add an option to generate bundles in the background
    clonebundles: add support for inline (streaming) clonebundles
    clonebundles: adds a auto-generate.serve-inline option
    match: add filepath: pattern to match an exact filepath relative to the root
    hgweb: add "children" into the JSON template for a changeset
    hgweb: add support to explicitly access hidden changesets
    pull: add --remote-hidden option and pass it through peer creation
    hidden: add support for --remote-hidden to HTTP peer
    hidden: support passing --hidden with serve --stdio
    hidden: add support to explicitly access hidden changesets with SSH peers
    perf: introduce a perf::stream-locked-section command
    perf: add a function to find a stream version generator
    perf: add support for stream-v3 during benchmark
    perf: add a perf::stream-generate command
    perf: add a perf::stream-consume
    cli: make debugnodemap capable of inspecting an arbitrary nodemap
    rust: configure MSRV in Clippy
    rhg: make rhg files work if ui.relative-files=true is specified
    rhg: support rhg files with ui.relative-paths=false
    rhg: support status --print0
    tree-manifest: allow debugupgraderepo to run on tree manifest repo
    library: enable runpy invocation on mercurial package
    library: incorporate demandimport into runpy invocation
    exchange: allow passing no includes/excludes to pull()

New Experimental Features

    stream-clone: add an experimental v3 version of the protocol
    stream-clone: support streamv3 on the cli [hg bundle]

Bug Fixes

    mail: add a missing argument to properly override starttls
    bundle: include required phases when saving a bundle (issue6794)
    outgoing: fix common-heads computation from missingroots argument
    strip: do not include internal changeset in the strip backup
    bundle: abort if the user request bundling of internal changesets
    bundle: prevent implicit bundling of internal changeset
    encoding: avoid quadratic time complexity when json-encoding non-UTF8 strings
    sha1dc: Make sure SHA1DC_BIGENDIAN is set on Darwin/PowerPC
    zstd: hack include order to ensure that our zstd.h is found
    dirstate: better error messages when dirstate is corrupted
    stream-clone: avoid opening a revlog in case we do not need it
    treemanifest: make updatecaches update the nodemaps for all directories
    rust-hg-core: move from ouroboros to self_cell
    rust-dependencies: switch from users to whoami
    dirstate-v2: actually fix the dirstate-v2 upgrade race
    dirstate: avoid leaking disk space in hg debugrebuilddirstate
    clonebundles: add warning if auto-generate is enabled without formats
    win32mbcs: unbyteify some strings for py3 support
    rust-revlog: fix incorrect results with NULL_NODE prefixes
    rust-revlog: fix for NULL_REVISION

Backwards Compatibility Changes

    infinitepush: aggressively deprecated infinite push
    narrow: indicated the default of 'Yes' when confirming auto-remove-includes

Internal API Changes

    Store walk was reworked to fix small race conditions in stream-clone and
        greatly improve its API robustness and flexibility.


    Typechecking support was improved in a lot of places
    Removed more useless compat code for now unsupported Python versions
    Sped up zstd usage in Rust contexts
    revlog: add an exception hint when processing LFS flags without the extension
    ui: keep the progress bar around when writing if stdout is not a tty
    transaction: use a ".bck" extension for all backup file
