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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/py-mongo
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-07-29 13:42:36
Message id:
Log Message:
py-mongo: updated to 4.4.1
Changes in Version 4.4.1
Version 4.4.1 fixes the following bugs:
- Fixed a bug where pymongo would raise a ``ConfigurationError: Invalid SRV host``
error when connecting to a "mongodb+srv://" URI that included \
capital letters
in the SRV hosts returned from DNS. (`PYTHON-3800`_).
- Fixed a minor reference counting bug in the C extension (`PYTHON-3798`_).
Changes in Version 4.4
- Added support for MongoDB 7.0.
- Added support for Python 3.11.
- Added support for passing a list containing (key, direction) pairs
or keys to :meth:`~pymongo.collection.Collection.create_index`.
- Improved bson encoding performance (`PYTHON-3717`_ and `PYTHON-3718`_).
- Improved support for Pyright to improve typing support for IDEs like Visual \
Studio Code
or Visual Studio.
- Improved support for type-checking with MyPy "strict" mode (`--strict`).
- Added :meth:`~pymongo.encryption.ClientEncryption.create_encrypted_collection`,
and :attr:`~pymongo.encryption.Algorithm.RANGEPREVIEW` as part of the experimental
Queryable Encryption beta.
- pymongocrypt 1.6.0 or later is now required for :ref:`In-Use Encryption` \
support. MongoDB
Server 7.0 introduced a backwards breaking change to the QE protocol. Users taking
advantage of the Queryable Encryption beta must now upgrade to MongoDB 7.0+ and
PyMongo 4.4+.
- Previously, PyMongo's docs recommended using :meth:`datetime.datetime.utcnow` and
:meth:`datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp`. utcnow and utcfromtimestamp are \
in Python 3.12, for reasons explained `in this Github issue`_. Instead, users \
use :meth:`` and
:meth:`datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tz=timezone.utc)` instead.
.. _in this Github issue:
Changes in Version 4.3.3
Version 4.3.3 documents support for the following:
- :ref:`CSFLE on-demand credentials` for cloud KMS providers.
- Authentication support for :ref:`EKS Clusters`.
- Added the :ref:`timeout-example` example page to improve the documentation
for :func:`pymongo.timeout`.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a performance regression in :meth:`~gridfs.GridFSBucket.download_to_stream`
and :meth:`~gridfs.GridFSBucket.download_to_stream_by_name` by reading in chunks
instead of line by line (`PYTHON-3502`_).
- Improved performance of :meth:`` and
:meth:`gridfs.grid_file.GridOut.readline` (`PYTHON-3508`_).
Changes in Version 4.3 (4.3.2)
Note: We withheld uploading tags 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 to PyPI due to a
version handling error and a necessary documentation update.
`dnspython <>`_ is now a required
dependency. This change makes PyMongo easier to install for use with \
connection strings and `MongoDB Atlas <>`_.
PyMongo 4.3 brings a number of improvements including:
- Added support for decoding BSON datetimes outside of the range supported
by Python's :class:`~datetime.datetime` builtin. See
:ref:`handling-out-of-range-datetimes` for examples, as well as
:class:`bson.codec_options.DatetimeConversion`, and
:class:`bson.codec_options.CodecOptions`'s ``datetime_conversion``
parameter for more details (`PYTHON-1824`_).
- PyMongo now resets its locks and other shared state in the child process
after a :py:func:`os.fork` to reduce the frequency of deadlocks. Note that
deadlocks are still possible because libraries that PyMongo depends like
OpenSSL cannot be made fork() safe in multithreaded applications.
(`PYTHON-2484`_). For more info see :ref:`pymongo-fork-safe`.
- When used with MongoDB 6.0+, :class:`~pymongo.change_stream.ChangeStream` s
now allow for new types of events (such as DDL and C2C replication events)
to be recorded with the new parameter ``show_expanded_events``
that can be passed to methods such as :meth:``.
- PyMongo now internally caches AWS credentials that it fetches from AWS
endpoints, to avoid rate limitations. The cache is cleared when the
credentials expire or an error is encountered.
- When using the ``MONGODB-AWS`` authentication mechanism with the
``aws`` extra, the behavior of credential fetching has changed with
``pymongo_auth_aws>=1.1.0``. Please see :doc:`examples/authentication` for
more information.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where :class:`~pymongo.change_stream.ChangeStream`
would allow an app to retry calling ``next()`` or ``try_next()`` even
after non-resumable errors (`PYTHON-3389`_).
- Fixed a bug where the client could be unable to discover the new primary
after a simultaneous replica set election and reconfig (`PYTHON-2970`_).