Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-quantreg
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-08-11 08:23:48
Message id:

Log Message:
(math/R-quantreg) Updated 5.88 to 5.96

(From: inst/ChangeLog)

1.  removed the anonymous function syntax in 5.87 #2 since it did provoke
complaints from users.

2.  Fixed bootstrap methods for sparse X matrices for wild and pwy methods
report by Tom Parker.

a  mcmb is hopeless since it doesnt know about sparse matrices, will add
something to man page
b  pwy problem was annoying in the sense that rbind(X,0) doesnt work in
SparseM because 0 isnt sparse! Duh.
c  wild problem revealed an ecosystem of bugs, even in the non-sparse
case there was a bug:  hat(X) was called but should have specified hat(X,
intercept = FALSE),  when X is sparse I needed to cook up a special version of hat.


1.  CRAN is doing more severe checking about installed packages, so several
changes were made to make calls to suggested packages conditional on their
loading status.  This is supposed to be checkable by setting the environment
variable  _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_="true" R CMD check ...    but I \ 
haven't yet
gotten this to work.


1.  The problem referenced in 5.91 above was mainly due to the fact that
packages were put in the system library not my personal library.  This was
fixed by reinstalling so that now:

[1] "/Users/roger/Library/R/x86_64/4.2/library"

and now adding to .Renviron


I believe will trigger the checking without the dependencies as required.


1.  Albrecht Gebhardt has made a translation of the Renka interp functionality
used for bivariate smoothing by rqss.  This effectively eliminates the need
for tripack in quantreg, and the code as been modified accordingly, thanks to
Albrecht for all his efforts on this.  This is all due to the unfortunate ACM
TOMS licencing policy that is incompatible with R.

2. Brian Ripley noted that the DOI for my CUP book was broken and I have urged
them to fix this.

3.  Minor bug fix in crq for case that the user specifies a single tau value.


1.  modified rqss to use rgl.triangles3d instead of rgl.triangles as suggested
by Duncan Murdock

2.  modified predict.rq and friends to adapt to na.action as suggested in
email of on 5 April 2023.


1.  Changed gtimer to return 0.0 at suggestion of BDR to facilitate
compatibility with flang.
