Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-pak
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-02-19 13:45:20
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-pak) Updated 0.3.1 to 0.4.0

# pak 0.4.0

* pak has much improved and more informative error messages now.
  This work is not yet finished, so if you find an unclear error message,
  please open an issue. Thank you!

* The solver is now more robust for non-canonical input (e.g. `DESCRIPTION`
  files) (

* Better installation output. Standard output and error are now
  collected together (

* The solver is now doing a better job when multiple versions of the
  same package are present in the same repository

* `pkg_name_check()` now works again, it needed a fix after changes at

* Explicit package names in local and URL package sources, as in
  `package=local::...` or `package=url::...` are now parsed correctly in

* pak is now more robust to `Archs` fields missing from the CRAN
  metadata for packages with compiled code

* `url::` packages now always work correctly, even if the digest package is
  not installed (

* pak is now more robust when installing packages from subdirectories
  of GitHub repositories (,

* Parameters `?reinstall`, `?source` and `?ignore` now work correctly when
  specified in the `package=?parameter` format (#294).

* The `?ignore` parameter works correctly now.

* Dependency resolution now does not fail if a package is not found.

* pak can now install `url::` remotes from GitHub.

* pak now does not fail when the package of a `.tar.gz` GitHub
  snapshot is in a subdirectory, or in a subdirectory of a subdirectory.

* pak now errors early if it cannot deduce the name of the package
  from a `Remotes` or `Config/Needs/*` entry.

* Solver failures now include details in some cases where previously they
  did not.

* pak can now update packages in Docker containers where the
  old version was installed in the different Docker later

* Update R version -> Bioconductor version mapping. R 4.2.x now maps to
  Bioconductor 3.16.
