Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-igraph
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-03-11 12:07:54
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-igraph) Updated 1.13.1 to 1.14.1

# igraph 1.4.1

## Bug fixes

- `console()` now works again and provides a Tcl/Tk based UI where igraph can \ 
post status messages and progress info (#664).

- Fix errors when printing long vertex names (#677, @ahmohamed).

- Fix regression that broke builds on some systems (e.g., GCC version 5 or \ 
earlier), introduced in igraph 1.4.0 (#670, #671).

- `fit_hrg()` does not crash any more when called with a graph that has less \ 
than three vertices.

## Documentation

- Various improvements (#663, @maelle; #667).

## Internal

- Fix warning about `yyget_leng()` returning wrong type when using LTO (#676).

- Don't mention C++11 or C++17 for best compatibility with both newest R and \ 
older compilers, while still requesting a C++ compiler for linking.

- Don't ignore `build/` when building the package because the vignette index is \ 
built there.

- Skip plot test entirely on R-devel.

- Avoid submodules for building igraph (#674).

- Makevars cleanup (#671).

- Add Zenodo configuration file.

# igraph 1.4.0

## Breaking changes

 - Breaking change: Allow change of attribute type when setting attribute for \ 
all vertices or edges; only attributes of length 1 or the length of the target \ 
set allowed (#633).

## Added

 - `tkplot()` gained a `palette` argument and it is now using the same palette \ 
as `plot()` by default, for sake of consistency.
 - `plot.igraph()` gained a `loop.size` argument that can be used to scale the \ 
common radius of the loop edges.

## Fixed

 - The default maximum number of iterations for ARPACK has been increased to \ 
3000 to match that of the igraph C core.
 - Rare convergence problems have been corrected in `cluster_leading_eigen()`.
 - All ARPACK-based functions now respect random seeds set in R when generating \ 
a random starting vector.
 - `igraph_version()` returned an invalid value in 1.3.4, this is now corrected.
 - The value of `par(xpd=...)` is now restored after plotting a graph.
 - Fixed a bug in `as.dendrogram.communities()` for large dendrograms, thanks
   to @pkharchenko (see PR #292).
 - Fixed two bugs in `graph_from_incidence_matrix()` that prevented the creation \ 
of directed graphs with `mode="all"` from dense or sparse matrices.
 - `dfs()` accidentally returned zero-based root vertex indices in the result \ 
object; this is now fixed and the indices are now 1-based.
 - `as_graphnel()` does not duplicate loop edges any more.
 - `convex_hull()` now returns the vertices of the convex hull with 1-based indexing.
 - Some `rgl.*()` function calls in the codebase were replaced with equivalent \ 
`*3d()` function calls in preparation for upcoming deprecations in `rgl` (see PR \ 
 - `plot.igraph()` does not use the `frame=...` partial argument any more when \ 
calling `plot.default()`. The default `NULL` value of `frame.plot` is now also \ 
handled correctly.
 - `hub_score()` and `authority_score()` considered self-loops only once on the \ 
diagonal of the adjacency matrix of undirected graphs, thus the result was not \ 
identical to that obtained by `eigen_centrality()` on loopy undirected graphs. \ 
This is now corrected.
 - `distances()` no longer ignores the `mode` parameter when `algorithm='johnson'`.

## Deprecated

 - `automorphisms()` was renamed to `count_automorphisms()`; the old name is \ 
still available, but it is deprecated.

## Other

 - Documentation improvements.
 - The Github repository was now moved to a single-branch setup where the \ 
package can be built from the `main` branch directly.
 - Added igraph extended tutorial as an R vignette (#587).
 - igraph now has a homepage based on `pkgdown` thanks to @maelle (see #645). \ 
This will eventually become the official homepage.

# igraph 1.3.5


- `mark.groups=...` argument of `plot.igraph()` now accepts `communities`


- Negative degree exponents are not allowed any more in `sample_pa()` and

- Package updated to be compatible with Matrix 1.5.


 - Documentation improvements and fixes.

# igraph 1.3.4


- `sample_asym_pref()` now returns the generated types of the vertices in the
  vertex attributes named `outtype` and `intype`.


- `layout_nicely()` does not recurse infinitely any more if it is assigned to
  the `layout` attribute of a graph

- `layout_nicely()` now ignores edge weights when there are non-positive
  edge weights. This is needed because igraph 1.3.3 started validating edge
  weights in `layout_with_fr()` and `layout_with_drl()`, resulting in
  errors when `layout_nicely()` was used on weighted graphs with negative
  weights. Since `layout_nicely()` is the default layout algorithm for
  `plot()`, most users were not even aware that they were using the FR or
  DrL layouts behind the scenes. Now the policy is that `layout_nicely()`
  attempts to get the job done without errors if possible, even if that means
  that edge weights must be ignored. A warning is printed if this is the case.

# igraph 1.3.3


- `reverse_edges()` reverses specific or all edges in a graph.

- Single-bracket indexing of `V()` and `E()` resolves attribute names in the
  indexing expressions by default (for instance, `E(g)[weight > x]` matches
  edges with a weight larger than a threshold). This can be problematic if the
  attribute masks one of the variables in the local evaluation context.
  We now have a pronoun called `.env` (similarly to `rlang::.env`) that
  allows you to force attribute name lookup to the calling environment. For
  sake of completeness, we also provide `.data` (similarly to ``)
  to force attribute name lookup to the vertex / edge attributes only. These
  pronouns are automatically injected into the environment where the indexing
  expression is evaluated.


- Names of functions that can be used inside a `V()` or `E()` indexing start
  with a dot since igraph 1.1.1; however, the old dotless names did not print
  a deprecation warning so this may have gone unnoticed for years. We are
  introducting a deprecation warning for `nei()`, `innei()`, `outnei()`,
  `inc()`, `from()` and `to()` inside single-bracket indexing of vertex and
  edge sequences and will remove the old variants soon.

# igraph 1.3.2

The C core is updated to 0.9.9, fixing a range of bugs.


- The length of size-zero `communities` objects is now reported correctly.
- `layout_with_kk()` would fail to produce reasonable results with the default \ 
  coordinates. This has been corrected, however, this function no longer produces
  precisely the same output for a given graph as before. To restore the previous
  behaviour, use `layout_with_kk(g, coord=layout_in_circle(g))` in 2D or
  `layout_with_kk(g, dim=3, coord=layout_on_sphere(g))` in 3D.
- Indexing an `igraph.vs` object with `v[x, na_ok=T]` now correctly handles the
  `na_ok` argument in all cases; previous versions ignored it when `x` was
  a single number.


 - Documentation improvements and fixes.
