Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/fzf
From: Iku Iwasa
Date: 2023-10-15 04:07:09
Message id:

Log Message:
fzf: update to 0.43.0

* (Experimental) Added support for Kitty image protocol in the preview window

        fzf --preview='
          if file --mime-type {} | grep -qF image/; then
            # --transfer-mode=memory is the fastest option but if you want fzf \ 
to be able
            # to redraw the image on terminal resize or on 'change-preview-window',
            # you need to use --transfer-mode=stream.
            kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --stdin=no \ 
--place=${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES}@0x0 {} | sed \$d
            bat --color=always {}
* (Experimental) --listen server can report program state in JSON format (GET /)

        # fzf server started in "headless" mode
        fzf --listen 6266 2> /dev/null

        # Get program state
        curl localhost:6266 | jq .

        # Increase the number of items returned (default: 100)
        curl localhost:6266?limit=1000 | jq .
* --listen server can be secured by setting $FZF_API_KEY environment variable.

        export FZF_API_KEY="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)"

        # Server
        fzf --listen 6266

        # Client
        curl localhost:6266 -H "x-api-key: $FZF_API_KEY" -d \ 
* Added toggle-header action
* Added mouse events for --bind
  * scroll-up (bound to up)
  * scroll-down (bound to down)
  * shift-scroll-up (bound to toggle+up)
  * shift-scroll-down (bound to toggle+down)
  * shift-left-click (bound to toggle)
  * shift-right-click (bound to toggle)
  * preview-scroll-up (bound to preview-up)
  * preview-scroll-down (bound to preview-down)

        # Twice faster scrolling both in the main window and the preview window
        fzf --bind 'scroll-up:up+up,scroll-down:down+down' \
              --bind 'preview-scroll-up:preview-up+preview-up' \
              --bind 'preview-scroll-down:preview-down+preview-down' \
              --preview 'cat {}'
* Added offset-up and offset-down actions

        # Scrolling will behave similarly to CTRL-E and CTRL-Y of vim
        fzf --bind scroll-up:offset-up,scroll-down:offset-down \
            --bind ctrl-y:offset-up,ctrl-e:offset-down \
* Shell extensions

        Updated bash completion for fzf options
        bash key bindings no longer requires perl; it will use awk or mawk \ 
instead if perl is not found
        Basic context-aware completion for ssh command
        Applied --scheme=path for better ordering of the result
* Bug fixes and improvements
