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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/rakudo
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-09-21 22:32:18
Message id:
Log Message:
(lang/rakudo) Updated 2024.04 to 2024.08
New in 2024.08:
+ Improvements:
+ Ensure path-spec is a Str (in CompUnit::) [c1742f04]
+ Additions:
+ Implement @a[**] with hammering flattening behavior [0bdd27db]
+ Fixes:
+ Ensure that sunk failed lookups in native arrays always explode [a8745fe8]
+ Fix iterating over Junction with non-simple loop bodies [fde5d87f]
+ Prevent dispatch errors on Regex.Bool [29a03213]
+ Deprecations:
+ Internal:
+ Fix precomp build [a445da42]
+ Support will complain on X::Syntax::Number::LiteralType [43d2b0fb]
+ RakuAST Development:
+ over 200 commits, 142/153 (make test), and 1144/1356 (make spectest)
New in 2024.07:
+ Improvements:
+ Improve execution speed by about 5% on Intel hardware and the MoarVM
backend by disabling the EXPRession JIT by default [4d3723bd]
+ Additions:
+ Add :hammer named argument to .flat for thorough flattening [74cfe8e3]
+ Fixes:
+ Bump NQP to get fix for return from LEAVE phaser on MoarVM [0554ae9e]
+ Partially fix mixed bin/no bin reads in IO::Socket [5008807b]
+ Fix sprintf thinko in BUILDPLAN module [6536e756]
+ Deprecations:
+ Internal:
+ Change colabti log links to links [3e4d19bb]
+ Remove the signature check from .duckmap for now [1bd985a3]
+ RakuAST Development:
+ Added Raku grammar based syntax highlighting API, and basic support
for highlighting using ANSI color codes
+ over 60 commits, 144/153 (make test), and 1065/1356 (make spectest)
New in 2024.06:
+ Improvements:
+ Use inclusive TPF alias. [271f8320]
+ Give `Seq` some `.head` shortcuts (prevents unnecessary reifying) [07865140]
+ Check expectations of `.deepmap` / `.duckmap` / `.nodemap` [18d128ab]
+ Make `Seq.end` return a proper `Failure` [bea61881]
+ Additions:
+ Fixes:
+ Make sure the `LAST` phaser is always fired in `.map` [16ce594e]
+ Don't bother calling op in `.duckmap` on sig failure [af6df816]
+ Fix regresssion on `NativeCall::Compiler::MSVC`, introduced in 2024.05 \
+ Don't set the `FIRST` flag always when iterating (fix and \
micro-optimization) [ad0afb04]
+ Deprecations:
+ Internal:
+ Micro-optimize .head(N) [141228a3]
+ RakuAST Development:
+ 20 commits, 144/153 (make test), and 1063/1356 (make spectest) [3f804996]
New in 2024.05:
+ Improvements:
+ Provide the host:port that compose the address in use [ecd2dd46]
+ Improve failure messages [774cc864]
+ Make (^Inf).reverse fail rather than infiniloop [26f1c494]
+ Provide deeper context into `run` failures [aca5e4c1]
+ Additions:
+ Add rakudo flavor [6e55b118][c888a116][f253d68b][69a33564]
+ Add worry for WhateverCode on LHS of smartmatch [d9863e9a]
+ Add Cool.nomark in 6.e [5eb1da8c]
+ Introduce Any.are(type --> Bool:D) in 6.e [23b94de6]
+ Add :invocant option to [f17cd58f]
+ Fixes:
* Fix various unicode property bugs [22492982]
+ Provide conditional exit status for USAGE [a4c7d5d1]
+ Supply an Any.match method candidate for Any:D [d6dc3610][51b0ef25]
+ Fix mysterious failures when class construction process order changes
+ Make sure type objects without MRO don't break .are [e227a4f2]
+ Fix memory leaking in infinity-bound ... [99bfab8c]
+ Allow the use of enum values in MAIN that shadow core types [e3ad75a6]
+ Clarify Range.rand failure cases, fix infinite loop, and optimize
+ Z<> is a comment - do not render it as text. [c1cc007f]
+ Allow reduce to return containers as generated [ecd75809]
+ Make dd handle Failures better [0a0435d7]
+ Make dd be more verbose about hash/array elements [e1bd3ffd][2b2e896b]
+ Deprecations:
+ Internal:
+ Streamline NativeCall [40c7b77f][30410664][bf81c62f][4a64b3af][d5eb39f7]
+ Streamline NativeCall::Dispatcher [8a7ed37c][2182fee5][9b078a12]
+ Move sub map_return_type logic to NativeCall::Types [b6cc74b5]
+ Streamline NativeCall::Types [3861b8f8][89d4d42b][75fa3da4][d0cbe4ae]
+ Streamline NativeCall::Compiler::GNU [bd426162][92da00a9]
+ Only ignore last arg in a Method if '%_' (NativeCall) [f25dcacc]
+ Streamline NativeCall::Compiler::MSVC [cb6e5080][92113fe4][7766fbbd]
+ Use HLL::SysConfig to obtain path-sep [c8855956]
+ Refactor t/packages to follow idiomatic distribution file structure
+ Use NQP for open mode detection in IO::Handle.lock [cf87ccf9]
+ Micro-optimize basic iterators [2e4bc48a][72b46fe2][6846c49e]
+ RakuAST Development:
+ 43 commits, 143/152 (make test), and 1063/1356 (make spectest) [fe579a3b]