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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2024-02-03 16:46:34
Message id:
Log Message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 6.1.0
pkgsrc change: update HOMEPAGE.
6.0.0 (2023-12-22)
Backward-incompatible changes
* Drop support for Rails 5.2 and 6.0 as well as Ruby 2.6 and 2.7 they've
been end-of-lifed by @dougmrqs and @HeitorMC.
The gem now supports Ruby 3.0+ and Rails 6.1+. (#1521, #1522, #1547, #1548)
Bug fixes
* Fix validate_uniqueness_of matcher not supporting column of the type
timestampz by @callahat. (#1544)
* Ensure that validation specs work for ActiveModel without ActiveRecord by
@stonefield. (#1580)
* Add normalize matcher by @stephannv. (#1558)
* Add validates_comparison_of matcher by @matsales28. (#1552)
* Add support for Ruby 3.2 by @petergoldstein. (#1536)
* Add support for Ruby 3.3.0-rc1 by @mtasaka and @VSPPedro. ([#1579], #1588)
* Add support for Rails 7.1 by @matsales28. (#1573)
* Add support for array attributes on validate_length_of matcher by
@jarenas9539. #1560
* Allow length validation on associations by @matsales28. (#1569)
* Improve have_db_index to better handle columns with multiple indexes by
@abrom. (#1542)
* Implement of_sql_type qualifier on have_db_column matcher by
@matsales28. (#1555)
* When an unrelated error is seen with negated allow_value, give a hint by
@matsales28. (#1570)
Thanks everyone for the contributions!
6.1.0 (2024-01-19)
Bug fixes
* Fix negative form of validate_numericality matcher by @matsales28 (#1603)
* Add support for negated matcher on have_secure_password matcher by
@amalrik (#1593)
* Add encrypt matcher to test usage of the encrypts macro by @theforestvn88
* Add query_constraints qualifier on the association matchers by @matsales28
* Remove array_column? helper from ValidateAbsenceOfMatcher by @jarenas9539
* Bump rubocop version to 1.59.0 by @VSPPedro (#1600)
* Update Ruby version to 3.3.0 by @VSSPedro(#1599)
* Fix link returning 404 by @VSPPedro (#1602)
* Add support for globally enabled frozen-string-literals by @amalrik
* Adjust typos in the documentation by @matsales28 (#1597)