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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-rio
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-02-06 13:47:05
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Log Message:
(devel/R-rio) Update 0.5.26 to 1.0.1
# rio 1.0.1
* POTENTIALLY BREAKING: Due to compiling time concerns, roll back the decision \
to move `arrow` to `Imports`. It is now `Suggests`. `setclass = \
"arrow"` works if `arrow` is installed. #315 #376
# rio 1.0.0
* Stop loading the entire namespace of a suggested package when it is available #296
* Unexport objects: `.import`, `.export`, `is_file_text`; remove
documentation for `arg_reconcile` #321
* Update Examples to make them more realistic #327
* Add support for `qs` #275 h/t David Schoch
* Use `arrow` to import / export `feather` #340
* `export_list` can write multiple data frames to a single archive
file (e.g. zip, tar) or a directory #346 h/t David Schoch
* `get_info` is added #350
* POTENTIALLY BREAKING: `setclass` parameter is now
authoritative. Therefore: `import("starwars.csv", data.table = TRUE,
setclass = "tibble")` will return a tibble (unlike previous versions
where a data.table is returned). The default class is data
frame. You can either explicitly use the `setclass` parameter; or
set the option: `options(rio.import.class = "data.table")`. h/t
David Schoch #336
* Parquet and feather are now formats supported out of the box;
Possible to setclass to `arrow` / `arrow_table`; ArrowTabular class
can be exported #315
* Add "extension", "labelled" vignettes
* Support readODS 2.1.0 features such as reading and writing Flat ODS;
export Multiple data frames #358
* POTENTIALLY BREAKING: Use `writexl` instead of `openxlsx`. Option to
read xlsx with `openxlsx` (i.e. `import("starwars.xlsx", readxl =
FALSE)`) is always `TRUE`. The ability to overwrite an existing
sheet in an existing xlsx file is also removed. It is against the
design principle of `rio`.
* POTENTIALLY BREAKING: The following options are deprecated:
`import(fread)`, `import(readr = TRUE)`, `import(haven)`,
`import(readxl)` and `export(fwrite)`. import will almost use
`data.table`, `haven`, `readxl`, and internal function (for fwf) to
import and export data. Currently, those options stay for backward
compatibility but will be removed in v2.0.0. #343 h/t David Schoch
* POTENTIALLY BREAKING: `...` is handled differently. Underlying
functions using "Tidy" convention (e.g. `readxl::read_xlsx()`) can
use "Base Convention" (See the new vignette: `remap`). Unused
arguments passed to the underlying function as `...` are silently
ignored by default. A new option `rio.ignoreunusedargs` is added to
control this behavior. #326
* Bug fixes
- ... is correctly passed for exporting ODS and feather #318
- POTENTIALLY BREAKING: JSON are exported in UTF-8 by default;
solved encoding issues on Windows R < 4.2. This won't affect any
modern R installation where UTF-8 is the default. #318
- POTENTIALLY BREAKING: YAML are exported using
yaml::write_yaml(). But it can't pass the UTF-8 check on older
systems. Disclaimer added. #318
- More check for the `file` argument #301
- `import_list` works with single Excel/HTML/Zip online #294
- Correct XML/HTML escaping #303
- Create directory if it doesn't exist #347
* Declutter
- remove the obsolete data.table option #323
- write all documentation blocks in markdown #311
- remove all @importFrom #325 h/t David Schoch
- rearrange "Package Philosophy" as a Vignette #320
- Create a single source of truth about all import and export functions #313
- Clarify all concepts: now there is only `format` #351
* New authors
- David Schoch @schochastics
# rio 0.5.30
* Maintenance release: new maintainer
* Mark `.sas7bdat` as deprecated
* Change the minimum R version to 3.6
# rio 0.5.29
* fixes for CRAN
# rio 0.5.28
* Various fixes to tests, examples, and documentation for CRAN.
* Temporarily disabled some tests that failed on Mac M1s.
# rio 0.5.27
* Documentation fixes for CRAN.