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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-car
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-10-30 23:12:08
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Log Message:
(math/R-car) Updated 3.1.2 to 3.1.3
Changes to Version 3.1-3
o Clarify docs to explain that ... argument is not passed to .vcov
when it's a function in calls to Anova(), confidence Elliipse(),
Confint(), deltaMethod(), linearHypothesis(), and S() (suggestion of
Joe Ritter).
o make dataEllipse() generic and add default and formula methods
(with help of Michael Friendly).
o linearHypothesis() no longer issues a warning when a hypothesis
matrix is supplied for coefficients whose names include arithmetic
operators (following report by Robert Baer about unnecessary
warnings printed by Anova(), which calls linearHypothesis()).
o deltaMethod() now allows models with aliased coefficients when
argument singular.ok=TRUE.
o Anova() method for "coxph" objects no longer computes incorrect LR
tests for models using the tt argument; in this case, Wald tests are
substituted (following bug report by Ken Beath).
o crPlot(), crPlots(), crPlot3d(), and avPlot3d() now invisibly
return coordinates rather than NULL, as avPlot() and avPlots()
already did (following query by Jeff Reichman).
o poTest() supports "polr" models with weights (suggestion of Ken
o Anova() now supports "clm" and "clmm" objects created by \
in the ordinal package (after report by Karl Ove Hufthammer that the
default method doesn't work).
o Anova.default() does more checking for potential problems (after
report by Karl Ove Hufthammer).
o Anova.lme() correctly handles models with contrasts different from
the default contr.treatment (fixing a bug reported by Ben Bolker).
o Small changes to docs.