Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/R-htmltools
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-12-15 08:39:53
Message id:

Log Message:
(textproc/R-htmltools) Updated 0.5.4 to

# htmltools

* `capturePlot()`s examples are now only run when `interactive()`. (#429)

# htmltools 0.5.8

## Improvements

* .The fill CSS attached to fillable containers and fill items with
  `bindFillRole()` now uses a [CSS cascade
  named `htmltools` to reduce the precedence order of the fill
  CSS. (#425)

* Improved documentation for boolean attributes in
  `tagAppendAttributes()` to note that they can be set via an `NA`
  value, e.g. `tagAppendAttributes(div(), contenteditable = NA)`
  creates `<div contenteditable></div>`. (thanks @russHyde, #427)

## Bug fixes

* `bindFillRole()` now attaches its `HTMLDependency()` to fill items,
  thus reducing the possibility of filling layout breaking due to
  missing CSS. (#421)

# htmltools 0.5.7

## New Features

* `save_html()` is now an S3 generic, allowing for more customization
  over how certain classes are saved to an HTML file. (#411)

## Improvements

* Fill items no longer set `overflow: auto` or `width: 100%` by default. (#401)

* `css()` now fully supports setting custom CSS properties (or CSS
  variables) via inline styles. When the name of a value passed to
  `css()` starts with `--`, it will be treated as a custom CSS
  property and absolutely no changes will be made to the variable. For
  example, `css("--font_size" = "3em")` returns \ 
  while `css(font_size = "3em")` will return `font-size:3em`. (#402)

## Bug fixes

* `{htmltools}` now requires `{rlang}` version 1.0.0 or higher. (#403)

# htmltools

## Improvements

* `tagQuery()` no longer throws an error when attempting to traverse a
  NULL value with r-devel. (#407)

# htmltools 0.5.6

## Possibly breaking changes

* Closed #386: Fillable containers no longer set `overflow: auto` by
  default. Instead, they set `min-width` and `min-height` to `0` to
  ensure that fill items a constrained in the fillable container
  without clipping their direct children. (#387)

* Closed #370: Non-fill items in fillable containers no longer grow or
  shrink and instead respect their intrinsic size. Use `height` to
  control the height of non-fill items in fillable containers and
  `min-height` and `max-height` on fill items to limit how much they
  are allowed to grow or shrink within a fillable container. (#391)

## Minor improvements

* Closed #375: calling `htmlDependency()` or a function that returns
  an `htmlDependency()` object (e.g.,
  `fontawesome::fa_html_dependency()`) in an R chunk in an R Markdown
  or knitr-powered Quarto document will now include the dependency
  rather than printing the object structure. If you want to print the
  object structure, you can use `print()` or `str()`. (#376)

* Closed #124: `includeHTML()` will now issue a warning if it detects
  that the file passed to it contains a complete HTML
  document. `includeHTML()` is designed to include HTML fragments
  where the contents of the file can be written directly into the
  current app or document, but subtle errors can occur when the file
  contains a complete HTML document. In most cases, you should instead
  use `tags$iframe()` to embed external documents. (#382)

# htmltools 0.5.5

## Bug fixes

* Closed #355: `tagQuery()` was failing to select elements with tag
  names that contained hyphens. (@slodge, #302)

* Closed #366: `tagQuery()`'s `find()` method no longer errors out
  when tags contain language objects. (#366)
