Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/wallust
From: pin
Date: 2025-02-21 15:35:18
Message id:

Log Message:
graphics/wallust: update to 3.2.0

    update deps
    adds wallust theme list 7793a9c31d
    New flags:
        --no-config 571f0b6ba5 that
        avoids creating the default config
    New Palettes:
        ansidark16 #98
    Write to sequences file at last, in case it fails #102 (thanks to felipe)
    Configuration file:
        env_vars = true to enable shell variables #96
    Fix BSDs error #110 (thanks to andrath)
    Use a 1to1 ish replica of the pywal template engine
    c03171cfe2, which allows wallust to read
    the usual pywal templates
    New subcommand: wallust pywal, that accepts command line flags the
    same as pywal. Right now, it ignores all flags, and prioritizes
    reading the wallust config file. 2db417aba0
    SHORT FLAG OF --ignore-sequence is now -I and not -i 07d653934f
    much better config defaults 3faae0282a
    wallust now understands your colorschemes files inside a
    wallust/colorscheme folder. You can use wallust cs mycolorscheme to read, \ 
for example,
    '~/.config/wallust/colorscheme/mycolorscheme.json'. 4ba54330b4
