Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/py-music21
From: David H. Gutteridge
Date: 2025-02-22 02:19:00
Message id:

Log Message:
py-music21: update to 9.5.0

Music21 v9.5 is a small bug-fix release that fixes a few hard to find bugs, \ 
takes advantage of updated dependencies, and adds a bit more typing in various \ 
Fixes Introducing Tiny Incompatibilities

These incompatibilities have been removed from music21 in order to get correct \ 
typing. They were never documented nor promised to work, hence considering it \ 
okay with Semantic versioning.

    interval.getWrittenLowerNote works on notes and pitches but both objects \ 
must be a Note or must be a Pitch. (This restriction guarantees that the type of \ 
object being returned as the lower one will not vary based on attributes, and \ 
lets these functions be properly typed). By @mscuthbert in #1749 (started in \ 
1747 by mistake) -- same is true for the parallel methods getWrittenHigherNote, \ 
getAbsoluteHigherNote, and getAbsoluteLowerNote. Now your IDE/mypy etc. should \ 
know the type of object being returned by these poorly-named functions!
    Removed the "ability" to do this: p = \ 
pitch.Pitch(pitch.Pitch('D')) to get a D. Never was documented before: Pitches \ 
now cannot take other pitch objects as arguments; this ability was just used in \ 
the pre-typed past where we were mixing strings and Pitch objects \ 
interchangeably and was only used in music21 in one place ( The \ 
newly created Pitch objects lost a lot of information about harmonics, \ 
accidental display, etc. so this was a good catch. Contributed by first-time \ 
contributor @float3 in #1746

What's Changed

    Fixed links to generated documentation by @jacobtylerwalls in #1741
    Take advantage of Astroid 1015 bug being fixed by @mscuthbert in #1745 -- \ 
many overloaded functions in music21 were very verbose with code that did not \ 
actually run in order to pass mypy with Astroid bug no. 1015 (a tough bug!). \ 
Major contributions to fixing the bug were given by @jacobtylerwalls. Also \ 
better docs about why music21 has its own StrEnum package. Also 'highestTime' \ 
will forever be equivalent to OffsetSpecial.AT_END -- if you know about this, \ 
it's great. Most will not care.
    Added some typing to graph modules by @mscuthbert in PR1745 above.
    Updated typing on tablature and intervals by @mscuthbert in #1747
    Code of Conduct Clarify by @mscuthbert in #1748
    Update interval Typing overloads by @mscuthbert in #1749
    Fix a case where octave transposing instruments like piccolo or double bass \ 
imported from MusicXML could have incorrect octave information and bad \ 
enharmonic transposition (C#s becoming Dbs) fixed by @gregchapman-dev in #1752 \ 
(this is unrelated to a question recently here and in StackOverflow about the \ 
difference between transposing by P8 and by 12 semitones (thanks to @vanderstel \ 
for answering).)
    Bug fix: corpora (including the built in core corpus) which were indexed \ 
using Python 3.13 could not be read on other systems (like Mac to Linux); a \ 
pathlib.Path was being stored in the corpus accidentally. Fixed by @mscuthbert \ 
in #1754
