Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/garden
From: pin
Date: 2025-02-24 09:36:39
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/garden: update to 2.1.0


 - Commands defined in Garden and Tree scopes are now runnable from the garden \ 
gui command palette.
 - garden grow is now runnable from the garden gui commands and query results.
 - garden ls is now runnable from the garden gui commands and query results.
 - Missing trees are now displayed in red in the garden gui query results.
 - Tree names and paths can now be copied to the system clipboard from the \ 
garden gui query results.
 - Autocompletion was added to the garden gui query field.
 - Escape and Ctrl-Q hotkeys can now close the garden gui command details window.
 - The Ctrl-Q hotkey will now close the main garden gui window.
 - garden ls now has -G | --no-groups and -N | --no-gardens options for omitting \ 
groups and gardens from its output.


 - The v2.0.0 release removed Cargo.lock and added an entry for it to \ 
.gitignore. The .gitignore entry has now been
   removed to make it easier for packagers to track their changes.
 - The yaml-rust2 dependency was upgraded to v0.10.
 - The egui dependency was upgraded to v0.31.

 - Windows support was improved in v1.10.1 to the point where we can now \ 
consider Windows as being officially supported.
   This development has now been documented in the installation section of the \ 
Garden User Guide.

 - The Nightly Build artifacts from Gitlab CI have been updated to include \ 
