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Subject: CVS commit: wip/opendnssec
From: Fredrik Pettai
Date: 2009-10-19 10:26:41
Message id:
Log Message:
OpenDNSSEC 1.0.0b3 - 2009-10-16
* The auditor now tracks the SOA serial over time
* The auditor (dnsruby) supports RSA/SHA256 and RSA/SHA512
* The LDNS bug that affected SRV records has been fixed in ldns-trunk.
* Bugreport #41: Fix for SOA serial 'keep'.
* Allow for SOA Serial/TTL/Minimum values of zero.
* Correct socket binding of NotifyListen.
* Systems with older SQLite had problem rolling keys on a policy.
* Auditor now handles SSHFP and NAPTR records correctly (but needs Dnsruby 1.39)
* Auditor now handles TTLs in zone file with suffix s, m, h, d, and w.