Log Message: Resurrect mate-applets-1.8.1 This package contains applets for use with the MATE panel. Therefore, it requires mate-core to be installed. To build all applets additional libraries may be needed. This list is by no means definitive. MATE-Applets is a fork of GNOME-Applets.
Revision | Action | file |
1.3 | modify | wip/mate-applets/DESCR |
1.7 | modify | wip/mate-applets/Makefile |
1.3 | modify | wip/mate-applets/PLIST |
1.4 | modify | wip/mate-applets/TODO |
1.3 | modify | wip/mate-applets/distinfo |
1.4 | modify | wip/mate-applets/options.mk |
1.3 | modify | wip/mate-applets/patches/patch-battstat_power-management.c |