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nltk_data-mte_teip5 NLTK Data - MULTEXT-East 1984 annotated corpus 4.0
nltk_data-mwa_ppdb NLTK Data - The monolingual word aligner (Sultan et al. 2015) subset of the Paraphrase Database
nltk_data-names NLTK Data - Names Corpus, Version 1.3 (1994-03-29)
nltk_data-nombank.1.0 NLTK Data - NomBank Corpus 1.0
nltk_data-nonbreaking_prefixes NLTK Data - Non-Breaking Prefixes (Moses Decoder)
nltk_data-nps_chat NLTK Data - NPS Chat
nltk_data-omw NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet
nltk_data-omw-1.4 NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet
nltk_data-opinion_lexicon NLTK Data - Opinion Lexicon
nltk_data-panlex_swadesh NLTK Data - PanLex Swadesh Corpora
nltk_data-paradigms NLTK Data - Paradigm Corpus
nltk_data-pe08 NLTK Data - Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation Shared Task
nltk_data-perluniprops NLTK Data - perluniprops: Index of Unicode Version 7.0.0 character properties in Perl
nltk_data-pil NLTK Data - The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) Corpus
nltk_data-pl196x NLTK Data - Polish language of the XX century sixties
nltk_data-porter_test NLTK Data - Porter Stemmer Test Files
nltk_data-ppattach NLTK Data - Prepositional Phrase Attachment Corpus
nltk_data-problem_reports NLTK Data - Problem Report Corpus
nltk_data-product_reviews_1 NLTK Data - Product Reviews (5 Products)
nltk_data-product_reviews_2 NLTK Data - Product Reviews (9 Products)
nltk_data-propbank NLTK Data - Proposition Bank Corpus 1.0
nltk_data-pros_cons NLTK Data - Pros and Cons
nltk_data-ptb NLTK Data - Penn Treebank
nltk_data-punkt NLTK Data - Punkt Tokenizer Models
nltk_data-qc NLTK Data - Experimental Data for Question Classification
nltk_data-reuters NLTK Data - The Reuters-21578 benchmark corpus, ApteMod version
nltk_data-rslp NLTK Data - RSLP Stemmer (Removedor de Sufixos da Lingua Portuguesa)
nltk_data-rte NLTK Data - PASCAL RTE Challenges 1, 2, and 3
nltk_data-sample_grammars NLTK Data - Sample Grammars
nltk_data-semcor NLTK Data - SemCor 3.0
nltk_data-senseval NLTK Data - SENSEVAL 2 Corpus: Sense Tagged Text
nltk_data-sentence_polarity NLTK Data - Sentence Polarity Dataset v1.0
nltk_data-sentiwordnet NLTK Data - SentiWordNet
nltk_data-shakespeare NLTK Data - Shakespeare XML Corpus Sample
nltk_data-sinica_treebank NLTK Data - Sinica Treebank Corpus Sample
nltk_data-smultron NLTK Data - SMULTRON Corpus Sample
nltk_data-snowball_data NLTK Data - Snowball Data
nltk_data-spanish_grammars NLTK Data - Grammars for Spanish
nltk_data-state_union NLTK Data - C-Span State of the Union Address Corpus
nltk_data-stopwords NLTK Data - Stopwords Corpus
nltk_data-subjectivity NLTK Data - Subjectivity Dataset v1.0
nltk_data-swadesh NLTK Data - Swadesh Wordlists
nltk_data-switchboard NLTK Data - Switchboard Corpus Sample
nltk_data-tagsets NLTK Data - Help on Tagsets
nltk_data-timit NLTK Data - TIMIT Corpus Sample
nltk_data-toolbox NLTK Data - Toolbox Sample Files
nltk_data-treebank NLTK Data - Penn Treebank Sample
nltk_data-twitter_samples NLTK Data - Twitter Samples
nltk_data-udhr NLTK Data - Universal Declaration of Human Rights Corpus
nltk_data-udhr2 NLTK Data - Universal Declaration of Human Rights Corpus (Unicode Version)
nltk_data-unicode_samples NLTK Data - Unicode Samples
nltk_data-universal_tagset NLTK Data - Mappings to the Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset
nltk_data-universal_treebanks_v20 NLTK Data - Universal Treebanks Version 2.0
nltk_data-vader_lexicon NLTK Data - VADER Sentiment Lexicon
nltk_data-verbnet NLTK Data - VerbNet Lexicon, Version 2.1
nltk_data-verbnet3 NLTK Data - VerbNet Lexicon, Version 3.3
nltk_data-webtext NLTK Data - Web Text Corpus
nltk_data-wmt15_eval NLTK Data - Evaluation data from WMT15
nltk_data-word2vec_sample NLTK Data - Word2Vec Sample
nltk_data-wordnet NLTK Data - WordNet
nltk_data-wordnet_ic NLTK Data - WordNet-InfoContent
nltk_data-wordnet2021 NLTK Data - Open English Wordnet 2021
nltk_data-wordnet2022 NLTK Data - Open English Wordnet 2022
nltk_data-wordnet31 NLTK Data - Wordnet 3.1
nltk_data-words NLTK Data - Word Lists
nltk_data-ycoe NLTK Data - York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose
nuspell Free and Open Source C++ spell checking library
nxml-mode Major mode for editing XML documents for emacs
o3read Standalone converter for OpenOffice and OpenDocument file formats
ocaml-csv CSV library for OCaml
ocaml-easy-format Pretty-printing library for OCaml
ocaml-expat OCaml bindings for the expat library
ocaml-jsonm OCaml streaming codec for JSON
ocaml-markup Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers for OCaml
ocaml-text OCaml Unicode library
ocaml-textutils Utility functions for dealing with text
ocaml-textutils_kernel Utility functions for dealing with text (kernel)
ocaml-tyxml OCaml XML typing library
ocaml-uchar Compatibility library for the OCaml UChar module
ocaml-uutf Unicode library for OCaml
ocaml-xml-light Minimal Xml parser and printer
odt2tex Convert ODT (Libre/OpenOffice text documents) to LaTeX input files
oniguruma Regular expressions library
openjade SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine, successor to jade
opensp SGML parser, successor to sp
ots Tool and library for auto-summarizing text
p5-ack Grep-like text finder
p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild (V) Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and libraries
p5-Alien-Build (V) Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
p5-Alien-FFI (V) Build and make available libffi
p5-Alien-Hunspell Perl5 module providing Hunspell
p5-Alien-Libxml2 Perl interface to libxml2
p5-Arch (V) Perl module for Arch
p5-Biblio-EndnoteStyle Reference formatting using Endnote-like templates
p5-cabocha CaboCha perl module
p5-CAM-PDF Perl 5 PDF manipulation library
p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour Perl5 module to convert binary octets into ASCII armour
p5-Convert-ASN1 Perl5 module to encode/decode ASN.1 data
p5-Convert-BER Perl class to encode/decode objects using Basic Encoding Rules
p5-Convert-PEM Perl5 module to read/write ASN.1-encoded PEM files