py-django-compressor | | Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into single cached file |
py-django-contrib-comments | | Framework to attach comments to any Django model |
py-django-cors-headers | | Django application for handling headers required for CORS |
py-django-countries | | Provides a country field for Django models |
py-django-crispy-forms (V) | | Best way to have Django DRY forms |
py-django-debug-toolbar | | Debugging toolbar for Django |
py-django-extensions | | Extensions for Django |
py-django-filer | | File management application for Django |
py-django-filter | | Generic dynamic filtering support for Django |
py-django-formtools | | Collection of assorted utilities for specific form use cases |
py-django-gravatar2 | | Essential Gravatar support for Django |
py-django-haystack | | Modular search for Django |
py-django-import-export | | Django application and library for importing and exporting data |
py-django-inline-ordering | | Django app to ease ordering of related data |
py-django-js-asset | | Script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media |
py-django-js-reverse (V) | | Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt |
py-django-jsonfield (V) | | JSONField for django models |
py-django-kronos | | Django application to define and schedule tasks with cron |
py-django-localflavor | | L18N support for Django |
py-django-mailman3 | | Django library for Mailman UIs |
py-django-mathjax (V) | | MathJax easy integration with django |
py-django-modelcluster | | Django extension for offline model instances |
py-django-mptt | | Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal |
py-django-pandas (V) | | Tools for working with pydata.pandas in your Django projects |
py-django-permissionedforms | | Django extension for offline model instances |
py-django-phonenumber-field | | Django library for managing phone numbers |
py-django-photologue | | Plug-in photo management application for the Django framework |
py-django-picklefield | | Pickled object field for Django |
py-django-polymorphic | | Simplifies using inherited models in Django projects |
py-django-q | | Multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django |
py-django-registration | | User-registration application for Django |
py-django-rest-framework-proxy | | Easy proxying of incoming REST requests |
py-django-reversion | | Version control facilities for Django |
py-django-sekizai | | Django Template Blocks with extra functionality |
py-django-sortedm2m | | Drop-in replacement for Django's many to many field |
py-django-sql-explorer | | Pluggable app that allows to execute SQL, view, and export the results |
py-django-sslserver | | SSL-enabled development server for Django |
py-django-stubs (V) | | Mypy stubs for Django |
py-django-sympycharfield (V) | | Django Char Field using Sympy |
py-django-tagging | | Generic tagging application for Django |
py-django-taggit | | Generic tagging application for Django |
py-django-tastypie | | Flexible and capable API layer for Django |
py-django-templatetag-sugar (V) | | Library to make Django's template tags sweet |
py-django-timezone-field | | Database and form fields for pytz timezone objects |
py-django-treebeard | | Efficient tree implementations for the Django Web Framework |
py-django-uuidfield (V) | | UUIDField in Django |
py-django-webpack-loader (V) | | Transparently use webpack with django |
py-django3 | | Django, a high-level Python Web framework |
py-django4 | | Django, a high-level Python Web framework |
py-djangocms-admin-style | | Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface |
py-djangocms-attributes-field | | Implementation of JSONField for arbitrary HTML element attributes |
py-djangocms-audio | | Django CMS plugin that inserts an icon (font or svg) |
py-djangocms-column | | Multi Column Plugin for django CMS |
py-djangocms-file | | File plugin for django CMS |
py-djangocms-flash | | Flash plugin for django CMS |
py-djangocms-googlemap | | Google Maps plugin for django CMS |
py-djangocms-icon | | Django CMS plugin that inserts an icon (font or svg) |
py-djangocms-inherit | | Flash plugin for django CMS |
py-djangocms-link | | Django CMS plugin that allows to add links |
py-djangocms-picture | | Django CMS plugin that allows you to add images |
py-djangocms-style | | Plugin for django CMS to add CSS classes to other plugins |
py-djangocms-teaser | | Teaser plugin for django CMS |
py-djangocms-text-ckeditor | | Text Plugin for Django CMS with CK-Editor |
py-djangocms-video | | Django CMS plugin that allow you to publish video content |
py-djangorestframework | | Lightweight REST framework for Django |
py-draftjs_exporter | | Library to convert Draft.js raw ContentState to HTML |
py-drf-nested-routers | | Nested resources for the Django Rest Framework |
py-easy-thumbnails | | Easy thumbnails for Django |
py-exifread (V) | | Read Exif metadata from TIFF and JPEG files |
py-fastapi (V) | | Modern, fast (high-performance), web framework |
py-feedgen | | Feed Generator (ATOM, RSS, Podcasts) |
py-feedgenerator | | Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator, compatible with Py3k |
py-filebrowser_safe | | Permanent fork of FileBrowser asset manager for Mezzanine |
py-flasgger | | Extract swagger specs from your Flask project |
py-flask | | Python web microframework |
py-flask-admin | | Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask |
py-flask-api | | Browsable web APIs for Flask |
py-flask-assets | | Flask webassets integration |
py-flask-babel | | Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications |
py-flask-babelex | | Adds i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz |
py-flask-bootstrap | | Flask extension for Twitter's Bootstrap |
py-flask-caching | | Caching support to your Flask application |
py-flask-cors | | Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) |
py-flask-debugtoolbar | | Port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask |
py-flask-flatpages | | Provides flat static pages to a Flask application |
py-flask-frozen | | Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files |
py-flask-jwt-extended | | Extended JWT integration with Flask |
py-flask-limiter | | Rate limiting for flask applications |
py-flask-login | | User session management for Flask |
py-flask-mail | | Flask extension for sending email |
py-flask-principal | | Identity management for Flask |
py-flask-pwa (V) | | Extends your Flask app into a PWA |
py-flask-rest | | Simple REST toolkit for Flask |
py-flask-restful | | Simple framework for creating REST APIs |
py-flask-restplus | | Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development |
py-flask-script | | Scripting support for Flask |
py-flask-security | | Simple security for Flask apps |
py-flask-security-too | | Simple security for Flask apps |
py-flask-sendmail | | Flask extension to send mails with sendmail |
py-flask-session | | Adds server-side session support to your Flask application |