pcp | Machine learning program for pattern classification | |
pdb2ldif | Converts Palm Address Book PDB files into an LDAP-usable LDIF file | |
pdcurses | Public domain implementation of the X/Open curses standard | |
pdfcrack | Password Recovery Tool for PDF-files | |
pdfjam3 | Small collection of PDF utilities | |
pdfminer | PDF parser and analyzer | |
pdftk | Swiss army knife for PDF files | |
pdnsd | Pdnsd is a DNS resolver | |
peak-classifier | Classify ChIP/ATAC-Seq peaks based on features provided in a GFF | |
pear | Memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger | |
pear-Base | Basic functionality that all eZ Components need | |
pear-Cache | Framework for caching of arbitrary data | |
pear-CakePHP_CodeSniffer | CodeSniffer rules for checking code against the CakePHP coding standards | |
pear-channel-cakephp | Adds pear.cakephp.org channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-ezc | Adds components.ez.no channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-horde | Adds pear.horde.org channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-pdepend | Adds pear.pdepend.org channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-pearhub | Adds pearhub.org channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-phpmd | Adds pear.phpmd.org channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-phpunit | Adds pear.phpunit.de channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-swiftmailer | Adds pear.swiftmailer.org channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-symfony | Adds pear.symfony.com channel to PEAR | |
pear-channel-theseer | Adds pear.netpirates.net channel to PEAR | |
pear-ConsoleTools | Tools to build applications that run on a computer console | |
pear-Crypt_Blowfish | Two-way blowfish encryption | |
pear-DB_DataObject | SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables | |
pear-fDOMDocument | Extension to PHP\'s standard DOM to add methods and exceptions | |
pear-File | Common file and directory routines | |
pear-File_CSV | Read and write of CSV files | |
pear-File_Iterator | Filters files based on a list of suffixes | |
pear-File_Util | Common file and directory utility functions | |
pear-Finder | Symfony2 Finder Component | |
pear-FinderFacade | Convenience wrapper for Symfony\'s Finder component | |
pear-FPDF | Unofficial PEAR FPDF-library | |
pear-Horde_ActiveSync | ActiveSync server | |
pear-Horde_Alarm | Interface dealing with alarms | |
pear-Horde_Auth | Authentification backends | |
pear-Horde_Autoloader | Autoload implementation | |
pear-Horde_Browser | Browser informations | |
pear-Horde_Cache | Caching API | |
pear-Horde_Cli | Command-line functionalities | |
pear-Horde_Compress | API for compression | |
pear-Horde_Constraint | Constraints builder for horde | |
pear-Horde_Controller | Controller part of an MVC system for horde | |
pear-Horde_Data | Data import and export backends for horde | |
pear-Horde_Date | Date manipulation | |
pear-Horde_Db | Database abstraction for horde | |
pear-Horde_Exception | Default exception handlers for Horde | |
pear-Horde_Group | Group management for horde | |
pear-Horde_History | Change tracker in horde | |
pear-Horde_Icalendar | ICalendar API for horde | |
pear-Horde_Injector | Injection container for horde | |
pear-Horde_Lock | Locking system for horde | |
pear-Horde_Log | Logging package for horde | |
pear-Horde_Mime | MIME manipulation for horde | |
pear-Horde_Nls | TODO: Short description of the package | |
pear-Horde_Stream_Filter | Stream filters for horde | |
pear-Horde_Stream_Wrapper | Stream wrappers | |
pear-Horde_Support | Support classes | |
pear-Horde_Text_Flowed | RFC 3676 encoded text manipulation for horde | |
pear-Horde_Translation | Translation wrappers | |
pear-Horde_Url | URL manipulation class | |
pear-Horde_Util | Useful functionalities for horde | |
pear-HTML_Table | Makes the design of HTML tables easy, flexible, reusable and efficient | |
pear-HTTP_Client | Simple HTTP client class in PHP | |
pear-Image_GraphViz | Interface to AT&T\'s GraphViz tools | |
pear-merger | Memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger | |
pear-OLE | Package for reading and writing OLE containers | |
pear-PHP_CodeCoverage | Collection, processing, and rendering for PHP code coverage | |
pear-PHP_CodeSniffer | Detects PHP, JavaScript and CSS violations of coding standards | |
pear-PHP_Depend | PHP_Depend design quality metrics for PHP packages | |
pear-PHP_Invoker | Utility class for invoking callables with a timeout | |
pear-PHP_PMD | PHP Mess Detector | |
pear-PHP_Timer | Utility class for timing | |
pear-PHP_TokenStream | Wrapper around PHP\'s tokenizer extension | |
pear-phpcpd | Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code | |
pear-phpdcd | Dead Code Detector (DCD) for PHP code | |
pear-phploc | A tool for quickly measuring the size of a project | |
pear-PHPUnit_MockObject | Mock Object library for PHPUnit | |
pear-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | Package for generating Excel spreadsheets | |
pear-Swift | Free Feature-rich PHP Mailer | |
pear-Text_Template | Simple template engine | |
pear-Version | Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects | |
pear-XML_Parser | XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat | |
pear-Yaml | Symfony2 Yaml Component | |
peercoin | Open source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus | |
pegtl | Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library | |
pentagram | A reimplementation of the Ultima 8 game engine | |
petsc | Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation | |
pgp6 | Public-key encryption and digital signature utilities (v6) | |
pgplot | Fortran and C graphics library | |
pgstudio | GUI to manage PostgreSQL database | |
phaethon | Resource explorer for BioWare Aurora engine games | |
phalanx | Xboard/Winboard compatible chess engine | |
phantomjs | Headless WebKit with JavaScript API | |
phantomjs2 | Headless WebKit with JavaScript API | |
pharo | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment | |
pharo-vm | VM used by Pharo | |
pharo-vm10 | VM used by Pharo | |
pharo10 | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment | |
mk | Subfolder |