nss-pam-ldapd | | LDAP client for nsswitch |
ntimed-git | | Network Time Synchronization |
nullpop | | POP3 server that allows logins, but never returns any email |
num-utils | | Set of programs that deals with numbers |
nuppelvideo | | Fast and simple RTjpeg-based video capture program |
nuttcp | | Network performance measurement tool, successor of nttcp |
nuvie | | Game engine for Ultima 6 |
nvi2-git | | Multibyte fork of the nvi editor for BSD |
nvidia-freebsd | | NVIDIA Graphic drivers for FreeBSD/i386 |
nx-client-bin | | NX linux client binary |
nyan | | Modding API with a typesafe hierarchical key-value database |
nyh-hoc | | High Order Calculator |
nzbget | | Binary newsreader with NZB support |
obfuscate | | Censor private information |
objfw-fossil | | Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language |
obmenu | | Openbox menu editor |
obnc | | Compiler for the Oberon programming language |
obnc-libstd | | (no description) |
ocaml | | The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML |
ocaml-gen | | Simple, efficient iterators for OCaml |
ocaml-gmetadom | | OCaml bindings for GDome2 DOM implementation |
ocaml-obuild | | Simple package build system for ocaml |
ocaml-ocplib-simplex | | Ocplib-simplex library implements a simplex algorithm |
ocaml-odoc | | OCaml documentation generator |
ocaml-ounit | | Unit test framework for OCaml |
ocaml-ptmap | | Implementation of maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees |
ocaml-sedlex | | OCaml lexer generator for Unicode |
ocaml-sha | | Ocaml SHA 1 and 2 family implementation |
ocaml-uunf | | OCaml library for normalizing Unicode text |
ocamlweb | | Ocamlweb is a literate programming tool for Objective Caml |
occt | | Boundary Representation modeling toolkit and 3D geometry library |
ocserv | | SSL VPN server |
odin | | General-purpose programming language |
offpunk | | Offline first command-line browser for the smolnet |
oggfwd | | pipes an ogg stream to an icecast server. |
olsrd | | Ad-hoc wireless mesh routing daemon |
omega | | Optimal Monte-Carlo Event Generation Amplitudes |
omnispeak | | Open-source re-implementation of Commander Keen in Goodbye Galaxy |
oneloop | | Evaluate the one-loop scalar 1-point, 2-point, 3-point |
oolite | | Space sim game, inspired by Elite |
oops | | Multithreaded caching HTTP proxy server |
oorexx-svn | | Powerful typeless object-oriented scripting language |
opa | | Open source, general-purpose policy engine |
opax | | POSIX standard archive tool (port of OpenBSD's pax) |
opd | | OBEX PUSH daemon |
open-simh | | Bob Supniks historical computer simulator |
open21xx | | Assembler tool suite for the Analog Devices 21xx family of DSP |
openafs-git | | File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration |
openaxiom-svn | | Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations |
openbgpd | | Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4 |
openbgpd-as4byte | | Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4 |
openbox-themes-extra | | Openbox window manager themes |
openbsc | | Free software implementation for GSM/3GPP protocol stack and elements |
openbsd-input-usbtablet | | X.org USB tablet driver from OpenBSD |
openca | | Robust, full-featured out-of-the-box Certification Authority |
opencl-clhpp | | OpenCL API C++ bindings (cl.hpp and cl2.hpp) |
opencl-headers | | OpenCL API Headers |
opendbx | | Extremely lightweight but extensible database access library |
opendchub | | Open source Direct Connect hub software |
opendune | | Open source recreation of Dune II |
openerp-server | | Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql |
openfmod | | Partial reimplementation of FMOD audio library |
openfortivpn | | Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services, compatible with Fortinet VPNs |
OpenGLUT | | OpenGLUT is an open source evolution of the GLUT API |
opengrok | | Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine |
openjdk8-openjfx-hg | | JavaFX application toolkit |
OpenJK-git | | Game engine for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast |
openjkdf2 | | Cross-platform reimplementation of the Dark Forces 2 game engine |
OpenLara | | Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine |
openlogos | | Openlogos is a language translation system |
openmohaa | | Open re-implementation of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault |
openmp | | Support for the OpenMP language |
opennurbs | | OSS toolkit for reading and writing models in the 3DM format |
openra | | Strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as C&C: Red Alert |
openrgb | | Control RGB LED lights |
OpenROAD | | ASIC physical design tool |
openrw-git | | Open Source recreation of Grand Theft Auto III |
openscad | | OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller |
openscep | | CA glue for Cisco SCEP |
openshot-qt | | Video editor |
opensips | | Open Source implementation of a SIP server |
openssl110 | | Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library |
OpenSTA | | Gate level static timing verifier |
opensubdiv | | High performance subdivision surface for parallel architectures |
opensurge | | 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games |
OpenTESArena | | Open-source re-implementation of The Elder Scrolls: Arena |
opentofu | | Open source infrastructure as code |
opentomb | | Open-Source Tomb Raider 1-5 engine remake |
opentracker-cvs | | High performance bittorrent tracker |
openttd | | Open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe |
openttd-opengfx | | Free and open source graphics data files for the game OpenTTD |
openttd-openmsx | | Free and open source music data files for the game OpenTTD |
openttd-opensfx | | Free and open source sound data files for the game OpenTTD |
opentyrian | | SDL port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian |
openvas-cli | | Commandline Interface for OpenVAS |
openvas-libraries | | Libraries for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System |
openvas-manager | | Manager for OpenVAS |
openvas-scanner | | Open Vulnerability Assessment System Scanner |
openvdb | | Efficient storage and manipulation of sparse volumetric data |
openvrml | | Portable C++ library for displaying VRML97 files |
mk | | Subfolder |