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nss-pam-ldapd LDAP client for nsswitch
ntimed-git Network Time Synchronization
nullpop POP3 server that allows logins, but never returns any email
num-utils Set of programs that deals with numbers
nuppelvideo Fast and simple RTjpeg-based video capture program
nuttcp Network performance measurement tool, successor of nttcp
nuvie Game engine for Ultima 6
nvi2-git Multibyte fork of the nvi editor for BSD
nvidia-freebsd NVIDIA Graphic drivers for FreeBSD/i386
nx-client-bin NX linux client binary
nyan Modding API with a typesafe hierarchical key-value database
nyh-hoc High Order Calculator
nzbget Binary newsreader with NZB support
obfuscate Censor private information
objfw-fossil Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language
obmenu Openbox menu editor
obnc Compiler for the Oberon programming language
obnc-libstd (no description)
ocaml The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML
ocaml-gen Simple, efficient iterators for OCaml
ocaml-gmetadom OCaml bindings for GDome2 DOM implementation
ocaml-obuild Simple package build system for ocaml
ocaml-ocplib-simplex Ocplib-simplex library implements a simplex algorithm
ocaml-odoc OCaml documentation generator
ocaml-ounit Unit test framework for OCaml
ocaml-ptmap Implementation of maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees
ocaml-sedlex OCaml lexer generator for Unicode
ocaml-sha Ocaml SHA 1 and 2 family implementation
ocaml-uunf OCaml library for normalizing Unicode text
ocamlweb Ocamlweb is a literate programming tool for Objective Caml
occt Boundary Representation modeling toolkit and 3D geometry library
ocserv SSL VPN server
odin General-purpose programming language
offpunk Offline first command-line browser for the smolnet
oggfwd pipes an ogg stream to an icecast server.
olsrd Ad-hoc wireless mesh routing daemon
omega Optimal Monte-Carlo Event Generation Amplitudes
omnispeak Open-source re-implementation of Commander Keen in Goodbye Galaxy
oneloop Evaluate the one-loop scalar 1-point, 2-point, 3-point
oolite Space sim game, inspired by Elite
oops Multithreaded caching HTTP proxy server
oorexx-svn Powerful typeless object-oriented scripting language
opa Open source, general-purpose policy engine
opax POSIX standard archive tool (port of OpenBSD's pax)
opd OBEX PUSH daemon
open-simh Bob Supniks historical computer simulator
open21xx Assembler tool suite for the Analog Devices 21xx family of DSP
openafs-git File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration
openaxiom-svn Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
openbgpd Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4
openbgpd-as4byte Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4
openbox-themes-extra Openbox window manager themes
openbsc Free software implementation for GSM/3GPP protocol stack and elements
openbsd-input-usbtablet USB tablet driver from OpenBSD
openca Robust, full-featured out-of-the-box Certification Authority
opencl-clhpp OpenCL API C++ bindings (cl.hpp and cl2.hpp)
opencl-headers OpenCL API Headers
opendbx Extremely lightweight but extensible database access library
opendchub Open source Direct Connect hub software
opendune Open source recreation of Dune II
openerp-server Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql
openfmod Partial reimplementation of FMOD audio library
openfortivpn Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services, compatible with Fortinet VPNs
OpenGLUT OpenGLUT is an open source evolution of the GLUT API
opengrok Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine
openjdk8-openjfx-hg JavaFX application toolkit
OpenJK-git Game engine for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast
openjkdf2 Cross-platform reimplementation of the Dark Forces 2 game engine
OpenLara Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
openlogos Openlogos is a language translation system
openmohaa Open re-implementation of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
openmp Support for the OpenMP language
opennurbs OSS toolkit for reading and writing models in the 3DM format
openra Strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as C&C: Red Alert
openrgb Control RGB LED lights
OpenROAD ASIC physical design tool
openrw-git Open Source recreation of Grand Theft Auto III
openscad OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
openscep CA glue for Cisco SCEP
openshot-qt Video editor
opensips Open Source implementation of a SIP server
openssl110 Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
OpenSTA Gate level static timing verifier
opensubdiv High performance subdivision surface for parallel architectures
opensurge 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games
OpenTESArena Open-source re-implementation of The Elder Scrolls: Arena
opentofu Open source infrastructure as code
opentomb Open-Source Tomb Raider 1-5 engine remake
opentracker-cvs High performance bittorrent tracker
openttd Open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe
openttd-opengfx Free and open source graphics data files for the game OpenTTD
openttd-openmsx Free and open source music data files for the game OpenTTD
openttd-opensfx Free and open source sound data files for the game OpenTTD
opentyrian SDL port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian
openvas-cli Commandline Interface for OpenVAS
openvas-libraries Libraries for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System
openvas-manager Manager for OpenVAS
openvas-scanner Open Vulnerability Assessment System Scanner
openvdb Efficient storage and manipulation of sparse volumetric data
openvrml Portable C++ library for displaying VRML97 files
mk Subfolder