py-ZopeSecurity | | Zope Security Framework |
py27-libusb1 | | Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1 |
py34-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.4 |
py35-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.5 |
PyBabelFish | | Gtk-based frontend for several translation services on web |
pydance | | Simulator of Dance Dance Revolution and similar games |
pydb | | The Extended Python Debugger |
pympress | | PDF presentation tool |
pypanel | | Lightweight panel written in Python and C for X11 |
pypod | | Python tools for manipluating iPod data |
pysite | | XHTML website generation tool |
pythia6 | | Program can be used to generate high-energy-physics events |
pythoncad | | PythonCAD is a CAD package written, surprisingly enough, in Python |
pywm | | Window manager in Python |
pyzor | | Collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam |
q | | Command line tool for direct SQL-like queries on CSVs/TSVs |
q-dns | | Tiny and feature-rich command line DNS client |
q2pro | | Quake2 multiplayer orientated client |
q5go | | Tool for Go players |
qbe-git | | Compiler backend |
qcdloop | | Repository of one-loop scalar Feynman integrals |
qemu-git | | CPU emulator using dynamic translation |
qemu-guest-agent | | CPU emulator using dynamic translation |
qemu-virtfs-netbsd | | CPU emulator using dynamic translation |
qFlipper | | Flipper Zero firmware update tool |
qgis | | Geographic Information System (GIS) |
qico | | FidoNet mailer |
qiew | | Reverse engineering tool |
qimgv | | Fast and easy to use image viewer |
qira | | QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser |
qlcplus | | Q Light Controller Plus |
qlipper | | Cross-platform clipboard history applet |
qmc2 | | Multi-platform GUI front end for MAME and MESS |
qmediamanager | | GUI tool for managing removable media |
qn-x11 | | GTK theme-engine to yield a QNX look and feel |
qq | | jq-inspired interoperable config format transcoder |
qrint | | Orthonormal integrators |
qrq | | Open source Morse telegraphy trainer |
qstat | | QStat is a command-line program that displays information about Internet game servers |
qstat214 | | QStat is a program displays information about game servers |
qt-openzwave | | Daemon and MQTT interface for Z-Wave controller |
qt1 | | QT version 1 |
qt5-libqtlua | | Lua alternative to the Qt5Script module |
qt5-qjson | | Qt5 library for handling JSON data |
qt5-qtbase-git | | C++ X GUI toolkit |
qt6-qtwebengine | | Qt6 webengine module |
qtaccountsservice | | Qt-style API for's AccountsService DBus service |
qtfm | | Qt file manager |
qtile | | Fully-featured, pure-Python tiling window manager |
qtractor | | Qt Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application |
quantlib | | Framework for quantitative finance |
quarkcoin | | Open source Internet currency |
quex | | Lexical analyzer generator |
quickie | | Small footprint, fast Wiki engine written in C++ |
quiterss | | RSS/Atom feed reader |
Qweyboard | | Velotype/Veyboard like experience on a regular computer keyboard |
qwt6-qt4 | | Qt widget library for technical purposes |
qxmpp | | XMPP client library based on Qt and C++ |
R | | Statistical language for data analysis and graphics |
R-arrow | | Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow' |
R-biganalytics | | Library of utilities for big.matrix objects of package bigmemory |
R-bigmemory | | Manage massive matrices with shared memory and memory-mapped files |
R-bigmemory.sri | | Shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages |
R-bigtabulate | | R table, tapply, and split-like functionality for (big.)matrix objects |
R-BiocGenerics | | Generic functions for Bioconductor |
R-bnlearn | | Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference |
R-C50 | | C5.0 decision trees and rule-based models |
R-conditionz | | Control how many times conditions are thrown |
R-crul | | HTTP client |
R-cubature | | Adaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes |
R-curl | | Modern and flexible web client for R |
R-doParallel | | Foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package |
R-easySVG | | Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator |
R-elevatr | | Access elevation data from various APIs |
R-entropy | | Estimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities |
R-fitdistrplus | | Fit a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data |
R-foreach | | Foreach looping construct for R |
R-furrr | | Apply mapping functions in parallel using futures |
R-future | | Unified parallel and distributed processing in R |
R-getopt | | C-Like 'getopt' Behavior |
R-gmp | | Multiple Precision Arithmetic for R |
R-graph | | R package to handle graph data structures |
R-httpcode | | 'HTTP' status code helper |
R-listenv | | Environments behaving (almost) as lists |
R-lsei | | Solving Least Squares under Equality/Inequality Constraints |
R-marmap | | Import, plot and analyze bathymetric and topographic data |
R-Matrix | | Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods |
R-mclust | | Model-based clustering and normal mixture modeling |
R-mpfr | | Multiple Precision Floating Point Arithmetic for R |
R-MySQL | | R interface for MySQL |
R-nloptr | | R interface to NLopt |
R-np | | Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types |
R-npsurv | | Nonparametric Survival Analysis |
R-oai | | General purpose 'Oai-PMH' services client |
R-optparse | | Command Line Option Parser |
R-parallelly | | Enhancing the 'parallel' Package |
R-progressr | | An inclusive, unifying API for progress updates |
R-Rcpp | | Seamless R and C++ integration |
R-readxl | | Read Excel files |
R-rgbif | | Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API |
mk | | Subfolder |