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py-PySide2 Python binding for Qt5
py-pyslha Parsing, manipulating and visualising SUSY Les Houches Accord data
py-pyspark Apache Spark Python API
py-pysph General purpose Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework
py-pysphere Python API for interacting with the vSphere Web Services SDK
py-pystatsd Client and server implementation of statsd
py-pystray Create a system tray icon
py-pyswisseph Python extension to AstroDienst Swiss Ephemeris
py-pytest-lazy-fixture It helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize
py-pythia Framework for specifying and staging complex, multi-physics simulations
py-python-application Basic building blocks for python applications
py-python-decouple Strict separation of settings from code
py-python-gnutls Python wrapper for the GNUTLS library
py-python-igraph Library for creating and manipulating graphs
py-python-omega Omega parsing framework to build parsers for text and binary data
py-PythonMagick Python binding for ImageMagick
py-pytkgen Create Tkinter GUIs from JSON definition files
py-pytools Collection of tools for Python
py-pytrends Pseudo API for Google Trends
py-pyvista Easier Pythonic interface to VTK
py-pyvo Astropy affiliated Python module for accessing virtual observatories
py-pywebview Lightweight wrapper around a webview component
py-pywhat Identify what something is
py-qalsadi Qalsadi Arabic Morpholoc=gical Analyzer for Python
py-qclib Quantum computing library using qiskit
py-qcodes Python-based data acquisition framework
py-qdarkstyle The most complete dark/light style sheet for C++/Python
py-qecalc Wrapper for Quantum Espresso
py-qequ Command-line quadratic equation solver
py-qeutil Set of utilities for using Quantum-Espresso
py-qexpy Analysis and data plotting aimed at undergraduate physics
py-qiskit Software for developing quantum computing programs
py-qiskit-aqua Qiskit Aqua: An extensible library of quantum computing algorithms
py-qiskit-ignis Qiskit tools for quantum information science
py-qiskit-terra Software for developing quantum computing programs
py-qit Quantum Information Toolkit
py-qitensor Quantum Hilbert Space Tensors in Python and Sage
py-qmath Provides a class for deal with quaternion algebra and 3D rotation
py-qnet Tools for symbolically analyzing quantum feedback networks
py-qrng Quantum Random Number Generator using IBM's Qiskit
py-qstylizer Qt Stylesheet Generator for PyQt/PySide
py-qsymm Symmetry finder and symmetric Hamiltonian generator
py-qt-thread-updater Python Qt thread updater to update GUI items using a separate thread
py-qtawesome Iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications
py-qtconsole Jupyter Qt console
py-qtpy Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PySide2/PyQt6/PySide6
py-qtt Python-based framework for analysis and tuning of quantum dots
py-quandl Package for quandl API access
py-quantities Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy
py-quantum-simba Systematic Inference of Bosonic quAntum systems
py-quantuminspire SDK for the Quantum Inspire platform
py-quaternionarray Python package for fast quaternion arrays math
py-quaternionic Interpret numpy arrays as quaternionic arrays with numba acceleration
py-quaternions Package to handle quaternions
py-qubovert Formulating, simulating,and solving problems in boolean and spin
py-quhep Quantum Machine Learning Framework for High Energy Physics
py-qupulse Quantum compUting PULse parametrization and SEquencing framework
py-qutip Quantum Toolbox in Python
py-qutrub Qutrub is an Arabic verb conjugator
py-radontea Collection of algorithms to compute the inverse Radon transform
py-rainbownum Python package to solve anti-Schur equations
py-randomdict Python dictionaries with O(1) random element access
py-ranger VIM-inspired filemanager for the console
py-raphrase Linguistics-related library
py-rasterio Fast and direct raster I/O for Python programmers who use Numpy
py-ratelim Makes it easy to respect rate limits
py-rb The redis blaster
py-rcsparse RCS parsing library for Python
py-rdf Pure Python package providing the core RDF constructs
py-rdfextras Collection of packages providing extras based on RDFLib 3
py-rdflib-django Store implementation for RDFlib using Django models as its backend
py-rdflib340 Python library for RDF manipulation
py-rdopkg RDO packaging utility
py-rdoupdate Managing special packaging/update repository
py-reactive-papi Reactive Platform flatbuffer api
py-reactive-platform Reactive Platform Python API
py-readability-lxml Fast HTML to text parser (article readability tool)
py-realalg For manipulating real algebraic numbers
py-rebound Open-source multi-purpose N-body code
py-rebound3 Open-source multi-purpose N-body code
py-recluse Reproducible Experimentation for Computational Linguistics Use
py-recommonmark Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark
py-recordclass Mutable variant of namedtuple
py-redbaron FST for python to make writing refactoring code a realistic task
py-redis-cluster Cluster library for redis 3.0.0 built on top of redis-py
py-reducer Process FITS files
py-registry Read access to Windows Registry files
py-regress Python bindings to the Rust regress crate
py-releases Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation
py-remctl Python bindings for remctl remote command execution
py-report Pyreport makes notes out of a python script
py-repositoryhandler RepositoryHandler is a python library for handling code repositories
py-repoze.tm2 Zope-like transaction manager via WSGI middleware
py-repoze.who Identification and authentication framework for WSGI
py-repr Shortcut to generate __repr__ methods for python classes
py-reproducible Reproducible library
py-reproject Astropy affiliated package for reprojection of astronomical images
py-requests-cache Persistent cache for requests library
py-requirementslib Tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements
py-resampy Efficient sample rate conversion in Python
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