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tex-breqn-doc Documentation for tex-breqn
tex-commutative-diagrams CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
tex-commutative-diagrams-doc Documentation for tex-commutative-diagrams
tex-fancyref-doc Documentation for tex-fancyref
tex-lineno-doc Documentation for tex-lineno
tex-lshort-japanese-doc Documentation for tex-lshort-japanese
tex-mathtools-doc Documentation for tex-mathtools
tex-mendex-doc-doc Documentation for tex-mendex-doc
tex-platexcheat-doc Documentation for tex-platexcheat
tex-poormanlog Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits
tex-poormanlog-doc Documentation for tex-poormanlog
tex-ptex-manual-doc Documentation for tex-ptex-manual
tex-relsize-doc Documentation for tex-relsize
tex-setspace-doc Documentation for tex-setspace
tex-simplekv Simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX
tex-simplekv-doc Documentation for tex-simplekv
tex-svg Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents
tex-texlive-ja-doc Documentation for tex-texlive-ja
tex-tkz-grapheur A LaTeX package with tools for graph plotting (and TikZ)
tex-tkz-grapheur-doc Documentation for tex-tkz-grapheur
tex-tzplot Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations
tex-tzplot-doc Documentation for tex-tzplot
tex-uptex-doc Documentation for tex-uptex
tex-xint Expandable operations on long numbers
tex-xint-doc Documentation for tex-xint
tex-xint-regression Classic regressions, with xint
tex-xint-regression-doc Documentation for tex-xint-regression
tex-yhmath Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
tex-yhmath-doc Documentation for tex-yhmath
TextEdit GNUstep text editor
textile-mode Emacs mode for editing Textile documents
tflint Pluggable Terraform Linter
tfschema Schema inspector for Terraform / OpenTofu providers
tftp-hpa Enhanced version of the BSD TFTP client and server
tg_owt-git WebRTC build for Telegram
tg-timer Open source Time Grapher for timing mechanical watches
thabit-ttf Thabit (from Arabic:fixed) is a fixed width OpenType font family
thcrut Gathers information from local and remote networks
theama Theama is a curses-based version of the famous HangMan game
thedarkmod First-person stealth video game inspired by the Thief series
theforceengine Modern Jedi Engine replacement supporting Dark Forces
thepeg Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
ThirdParty-ASL COIN-OR autotools harness to build AMPL Solver Library
ThirdParty-Mumps COIN-OR autotools harness to build Mumps
thunderbird Organize, secure and customize your mail
thunderbird68-enigmail GnuPG support for mail/thunderbird68
ti99sim SDL-based TI-99/4a simulator
tigervnc113 VNC client/server (older version for SPARC)
tilda Terminal like the classic first-person-shooter games
tilix Tiling terminal emulator
timescaledb-tune Tune timescaledb to match system's CPU and memory resources
timewarrior Command-line time tracking application
timg Terminal image and video viewer
tint2 Lightweight panel/taskbar for X11
tintin++ Free Mud client for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
tinyca2 GUI written in Perl/Gtk to manage a small CA
tinycobol Tiny COBOL compiler for IA32 platforms
tinyfugue-beta Beta-version of tinyfugue
tinygo Go compiler for small places
tinylogin Suite of tiny Unix utilities for handling logging
tinyssh Minimalistic SSHv2 server
tipp10 Touch typing tutor
tk-itk3 Framework for building mega-widgets for Tcl/Tk
tkblt Extension to Tcl/Tk
tkgate Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
tkhtml3 Tk widget displaying content formatted to HTML and CSS standards
tkpng Open source package that adds PNG photo image support to Tcl/Tk
tktile Improved themeing engine for Tk
tleenx2 Client to - polish IM / chat system
tleenx3 Polish IM communication client
tllist C implementation of a typed linked list
tme The Machine Emulator
tmuni-ttf Unicode Font for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi
tmux-git Terminal multiplexer
tmva Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis with ROOT
tmw Free open source 2D MMORPG in development
tnt Template Numerical Toolkit
todotxt-git Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file
tolua++ Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
tome Troubles of Middle Earth
tome2 Troubles of Middle Earth
tops-bin Protein Topology Cartoons Tools
tor-browser Tor Browser based on Firefox
tor-dev Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
torcs The Open Racing Car Simulator
torque2d Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames
torque3d Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames
torrentzip Convert zip archives to torrentzip format
torsocks-git Library to torify applications
tortunnel Partial onion proxy for single-hop circuits through TOR
toxic-git CLI Tox client
tpdne-dl Download tool for
tpico2 The Pico language interpreter,
tpico2-experimental The Pico language interpreter with extensions,
tpl Store and reload your C data
tpp Tpp is an ncurses-based presentation tool
tqsllib Tqsl library for ARRL LoTW
tr2latex Troff to LaTeX converter
trac-plugins-AuthOpenId This plugins allows to login to Trac using OpenID
trac-plugins-FullBlog Blog plugin for Trac
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