tex-breqn-doc | Documentation for tex-breqn | |
tex-commutative-diagrams | CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX | |
tex-commutative-diagrams-doc | Documentation for tex-commutative-diagrams | |
tex-fancyref-doc | Documentation for tex-fancyref | |
tex-lineno-doc | Documentation for tex-lineno | |
tex-lshort-japanese-doc | Documentation for tex-lshort-japanese | |
tex-mathtools-doc | Documentation for tex-mathtools | |
tex-mendex-doc-doc | Documentation for tex-mendex-doc | |
tex-platexcheat-doc | Documentation for tex-platexcheat | |
tex-poormanlog | Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits | |
tex-poormanlog-doc | Documentation for tex-poormanlog | |
tex-ptex-manual-doc | Documentation for tex-ptex-manual | |
tex-relsize-doc | Documentation for tex-relsize | |
tex-setspace-doc | Documentation for tex-setspace | |
tex-simplekv | Simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX | |
tex-simplekv-doc | Documentation for tex-simplekv | |
tex-svg | Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents | |
tex-texlive-ja-doc | Documentation for tex-texlive-ja | |
tex-tkz-grapheur | A LaTeX package with tools for graph plotting (and TikZ) | |
tex-tkz-grapheur-doc | Documentation for tex-tkz-grapheur | |
tex-tzplot | Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations | |
tex-tzplot-doc | Documentation for tex-tzplot | |
tex-uptex-doc | Documentation for tex-uptex | |
tex-xint | Expandable operations on long numbers | |
tex-xint-doc | Documentation for tex-xint | |
tex-xint-regression | Classic regressions, with xint | |
tex-xint-regression-doc | Documentation for tex-xint-regression | |
tex-yhmath | Extended maths fonts for LaTeX | |
tex-yhmath-doc | Documentation for tex-yhmath | |
TextEdit | GNUstep text editor | |
textile-mode | Emacs mode for editing Textile documents | |
tflint | Pluggable Terraform Linter | |
tfschema | Schema inspector for Terraform / OpenTofu providers | |
tftp-hpa | Enhanced version of the BSD TFTP client and server | |
tg_owt-git | WebRTC build for Telegram | |
tg-timer | Open source Time Grapher for timing mechanical watches | |
thabit-ttf | Thabit (from Arabic:fixed) is a fixed width OpenType font family | |
thcrut | Gathers information from local and remote networks | |
theama | Theama is a curses-based version of the famous HangMan game | |
thedarkmod | First-person stealth video game inspired by the Thief series | |
theforceengine | Modern Jedi Engine replacement supporting Dark Forces | |
thepeg | Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation | |
ThirdParty-ASL | COIN-OR autotools harness to build AMPL Solver Library | |
ThirdParty-Mumps | COIN-OR autotools harness to build Mumps | |
thunderbird | Organize, secure and customize your mail | |
thunderbird68-enigmail | GnuPG support for mail/thunderbird68 | |
ti99sim | SDL-based TI-99/4a simulator | |
tigervnc113 | VNC client/server (older version for SPARC) | |
tilda | Terminal like the classic first-person-shooter games | |
tilix | Tiling terminal emulator | |
timescaledb-tune | Tune timescaledb to match system's CPU and memory resources | |
timewarrior | Command-line time tracking application | |
timg | Terminal image and video viewer | |
tint2 | Lightweight panel/taskbar for X11 | |
tintin++ | Free Mud client for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows | |
tinyca2 | GUI written in Perl/Gtk to manage a small CA | |
tinycobol | Tiny COBOL compiler for IA32 platforms | |
tinyfugue-beta | Beta-version of tinyfugue | |
tinygo | Go compiler for small places | |
tinylogin | Suite of tiny Unix utilities for handling logging | |
tinyssh | Minimalistic SSHv2 server | |
tipp10 | Touch typing tutor | |
tk-itk3 | Framework for building mega-widgets for Tcl/Tk | |
tkblt | Extension to Tcl/Tk | |
tkgate | Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator | |
tkhtml3 | Tk widget displaying content formatted to HTML and CSS standards | |
tkpng | Open source package that adds PNG photo image support to Tcl/Tk | |
tktile | Improved themeing engine for Tk | |
tleenx2 | Client to tlen.pl - polish IM / chat system | |
tleenx3 | Polish IM communication client | |
tllist | C implementation of a typed linked list | |
tme | The Machine Emulator | |
tmuni-ttf | Unicode Font for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi | |
tmux-git | Terminal multiplexer | |
tmva | Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis with ROOT | |
tmw | Free open source 2D MMORPG in development | |
tnt | Template Numerical Toolkit | |
todotxt-git | Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file | |
tolua++ | Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua | |
tome | Troubles of Middle Earth | |
tome2 | Troubles of Middle Earth | |
tops-bin | Protein Topology Cartoons Tools | |
tor-browser | Tor Browser based on Firefox | |
tor-dev | Anonymizing overlay network for TCP | |
torcs | The Open Racing Car Simulator | |
torque2d | Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames | |
torque3d | Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames | |
torrentzip | Convert zip archives to torrentzip format | |
torsocks-git | Library to torify applications | |
tortunnel | Partial onion proxy for single-hop circuits through TOR | |
toxic-git | CLI Tox client | |
tpdne-dl | Download tool for thispicturedoesnotexist.com | |
tpico2 | The Pico language interpreter, http://pico.vub.ac.be | |
tpico2-experimental | The Pico language interpreter with extensions, http://pico.vub.ac.be | |
tpl | Store and reload your C data | |
tpp | Tpp is an ncurses-based presentation tool | |
tqsllib | Tqsl library for ARRL LoTW | |
tr2latex | Troff to LaTeX converter | |
trac-plugins-AuthOpenId | This plugins allows to login to Trac using OpenID | |
trac-plugins-FullBlog | Blog plugin for Trac | |
mk | Subfolder |